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Endzone Celebrations As Bad As Late Hits?


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"I listed those three events in order of seriousness: Kelsay could have injured someone, Cowher showed a decided lack of class and decorum, and Randle El acted on pure joy. And yet Kelsay and Randle El got identical penalties — 15-yard personal fouls — and Cowher got no penalty at all. It's silly that Randle El's offense carries the same 15-yard penalty as Kelsay. All the arguments against end-zone celebrations — they could stir up fights, they could delay the game, they could serve as bad examples to children — apply much more to Kelsay's cheap shots than to Randle El's celebrations. "

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This is a very interesting point. A guy who migh have seriously injured a starting QB with a late hit got the same penalty as Randel El's celebration. Randel El will probably get a bigger fine than Kelsay too. It really makes you think about how ridiculous the NFL is getting this year.

My sincerest apologies if this has already been mentioned, this is like the third thread I have ever started. I know and fear the rules and tried to do a search.

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I'll be the first to admit I don't care to see a guy catch an 8 yard pass for a firstdown and then celebrate like he caught the game winning touchdown, but yeah, the flags because of excessive celebration is stupid. Who cares? 15 yard penalty is a little steep.

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Still, is any sort of endzone celebration really just as bad as hitting a QB as he is taking a knee after the whistle? Either make that one a 25 yarder or cut back celebrations to like 5 yards. The really funny thing is that they will probably fine Randel El $30,000 for daring to celebrate while only fining that Kelsay guy like $5,000 for trying to kill a QB.:doh:

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Well, late hits are much more improptu than celebrations. It's easy to get caught in the moment and sell out for a hit, get there late, and be called for a foul. There's really no excuse for celebrating when everyone even loosely involved with football knows the celebration rules.

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I believe you can celebrate and do anything stupid that you want. You just have to do it by yourself.

For a team that was 2-4 and was ahead of the Colts, that was a backbreaker, because then it lead to a kickoff at the 5 yard line.

Good teams will not continually make stupid mistakes to take themselves out of ball games.

I could be wrong about that celebration thing. I guess it falls under taunting in the rulebook. Sorry.

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I just dont understand why there is such a double standard. I NEVER see a defensive player get called for a personal foul, and sometimes their celebrations are worse than those of the offensive players. I think that if they are going to be this strict on offensive players, then they need to do something about the defensive celebrations a as well(even though I think there is nothing wrong with TD celebrations, let alone ANY celebrations)

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