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Cool Story & Gibbs won't bench Brunell (Merged)


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Either Gibbs has a super man crush on Mark Brunell or hes just plain stupid. I was at the Colts game and though Brunell had a good statistical he was terrible. Most of his receptions were incredible catches, many great ones by Moss. Gibbs will not bench him and I dont get it. Our season is over by now and we need to get ready for a possible Super Bowl run in the near future. PLEASE JOE, GIVE BRUNELL UP ALREADY!!!

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Last weekend in Indy I went to the game with my father and grandfather who can still go to games. We went to go see the movie Flags of our Fathers on Saturday night. Down the row from me was Daniel Snyder. We got to talking about the Skins and he invited me down on the field before the game. I met alot of the Skins and Santana and I had a decent talk about the Skins status right now. Hes a really nice guy as is Lemar Marshall, Chris Cooley, Rock Cartwright, and Ladell Betts. It was a lot of fun. Just thought I should share that.

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