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Mark Brunell, #8-QB

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Why in the hell do you people want Brunell benched??? He doesn't have a great deal of TD passes, but everything else is above average...Start bashing other player personnel and leave the man alone!!!

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Well I haven't missed a skins game in 4 years and you haven't said nothing to make me think that Brunell should be benched...Maybe you should watch a game or 2


You want to tell me then, when did Brunell get most of his yardage and completions Sunday?

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I ask why people think Brunell should be benched and you reply that I should start watching games...What the hell does that tell me in reference to MB being benched...


You want to tell me then, when did Brunell get most of his yardage and completions Sunday?

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I ask why people think Brunell should be benched and you reply that I should start watching games...What the hell does that tell me in reference to MB being benched...

Way to ignore the question. You back up your thread by giving us stats, stats is why he should not be blamed...

So based on stats, when did Mark get most of his stats, his yardage, his completion percentage, one of this TD's yesterday?

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Hey smart guy...You never answered my question, why in the hell would I answer yours????

Way to ignore the question. You back up your thread by giving us stats, stats is why he should not be blamed...

So based on stats, when did Mark get most of his stats, his yardage, his completion percentage, one of this TD's yesterday?

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Well I haven't missed a skins game in 4 years and you haven't said nothing to make me think that Brunell should be benched...Maybe you should watch a game or 2

Dont mind him MCRUZ, if you look back at this guys posts, history shows that he rarely adds depth to the coversation. He likes to cruise threads and throw cheap shots with little substance.

The numbers dont lie. Mark is not the problem with this team right now. Granted, some of his numbers come from late in the game with a "prevent" defense is being employed. But playcalling has a lot to do with the lack of downfield success. If that werent the case I think our coaches would have a serious problem with the short pass game. But good luck getting that through to all these ES 'experts'.

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I ask why people think Brunell should be benched and you reply that I should start watching games...What the hell does that tell me in reference to MB being benched...

It's best not to argue with the ignorant. No matter what you say, or how well Brunell plays, these people will crop up out of the wood work with some reason why he sucks.....

...You might as well try to tell a liberal 911 conspiracy theororist that Islamo facist al-quida members blew up the WTC and the Pentagon....:rolleyes:

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It's best not to argue with the ignorant. No matter what you say, or how well Brunell plays, these people will crop up out of the wood work with some reason why he sucks.....

...You might as well try to tell a liberal 911 conspiracy theororist that Islamo facist al-quida members blew up the WTC and the Pentagon....:rolleyes:

I'm iggy because I believe that MB is holding this offence back? No matter what people say why he shoudlnt be starting, you people will crop out of the wood work with some reason why he should play.

It works both ways, both of ours is opinions why he should or should not be playing.

When it comes down to it though... It only matters what JG believes, but we do have a right as fans to form opinions and this message board allows us to share them, right or wrong.

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I'm telling you...It seems that so many of these people on Extreme Skins wish that MB would get into a car accident on his way to the stadium and die...Its sickening and your right even if Brunell plays well they still call for his head...Go figure...

It's best not to argue with the ignorant. No matter what you say, or how well Brunell plays, these people will crop up out of the wood work with some reason why he sucks.....

...You might as well try to tell a liberal 911 conspiracy theororist that Islamo facist al-quida members blew up the WTC and the Pentagon....:rolleyes:

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I'm telling you...It seems that so many of these people on Extreme Skins wish that MB would get into a car accident on his way to the stadium and die...Its sickening and your right even if Brunell plays well they still call for his head...Go figure...

if you want to take us saying "he sucks, Jason should play" as in "I hope he woudl get into a car accident, or she should die", thats your problem.

There are some people on here that just think it is time for Jason to play, and that we believe since the playoff stretch last year, MB has not been performing to even average NFL quarterback standards

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Opinions are fine, but then back it up with some element of substance...You think that Brunell should be pulled and that he holds the offense back...Thats fine, but explain why...I respect your opinion just please back it up...Personnally I think MB has done a good job this year and I believe that when MB didn't put up the best numbers (Dallas, New York) the blame should had been placed on the O-Line instead of MB...Its hard to perform when you have linemen in your face as soon as the ball is placed in your hands...If you call for Brunell to be benched why not call for the whole offense to ride the pine...Are you saying that one man is the cause for Washington being 2-5?

I'm iggy because I believe that MB is holding this offence back? No matter what people say why he shoudlnt be starting, you people will crop out of the wood work with some reason why he should play.

It works both ways, both of ours is opinions why he should or should not be playing.

When it comes down to it though... It only matters what JG believes, but we do have a right as fans to form opinions and this message board allows us to share them, right or wrong.

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I'm telling you...It seems that so many of these people on Extreme Skins wish that MB would get into a car accident on his way to the stadium and die...Its sickening and your right even if Brunell plays well they still call for his head...Go figure...

Agreed...How may people said that his 22 in a row NFL RECORD was only against Houston, or they were only short passes....blab...blab..blab...

Most of these critics couldn't even throw and catch the ball 22 time's in a row from 15 feet away in their back yard, and they are going to criticize MB...:rolleyes:

I'm iggy because I believe that MB is holding this offence back?

No....your iggy because your arguments are falsely based on incorrect perceptions of what's going on in this offense. Weather it be your understanding of stats, or you just wanting to fit in with the cool anti brunell sig group, I don't know. What I do know is that you ignorantly focus all blame on MB when he's about third on the list when it comes to offense.

but since you are so stat worthy....here's just one stat that will help you understand a little better......

510 total penatly yards...#1 in the league. At least we're first in something...:doh:

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Opinions are fine, but then back it up with some element of substance...You think that Brunell should be pulled and that he holds the offense back...Thats fine, but explain why...I respect your opinion just please back it up...Personnally I think MB has done a good job this year and I believe that when MB didn't put up the best numbers (Dallas, New York) the blame should had been placed on the O-Line instead of MB...Its hard to perform when you have linemen in your face as soon as the ball is placed in your hands...If you call for Brunell to be benched why not call for the whole offense to ride the pine...Are you saying that one man is the cause for Washington being 2-5?

Its kinda silly to expect so much. That would require these people to have football knowledge. But who knows, maybe we're talking about the next generation of Lombardi here. Maybe we should alert Snyder of this guy.

I personally have a hard time blaming this on Mark when I watch the games and see d-lines disrupt ANYTHING we try to do. If I didnt believe that, maybe then I would question Gibbs' decision to stick with Mark. It would only be a good decision to start Campbell when we are mathematically eliminated from the playoffs, and only then.

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I guess MB will have to take the rap for the FG's missed for the rest of the year and when our Kenny Wright allows another receiver to run right past him for a touchdown and hell you might as well blame MB for the cost of a beer at FedEx ($7.00)...

Agreed...How may people said that his 22 in a row NFL RECORD was only against Houston, or they were only short passes....blab...blab..blab...

Most of these critics couldn't even throw and catch the ball 22 time's in a row from 15 feet away in their back yard, and they are going to criticize MB...:rolleyes:

No....your iggy because your arguments are falsely based on incorrect perceptions of what's going on in this offense. Weather it be your understanding of stats, or you just wanting to fit in with the cool anti brunell sig group, I don't know. What I do know is that you ignorantly focus all blame on MB when he's about third on the list when it comes to offense.

but since you are so stat worthy....here's just one stat that will help you understand a little better......

510 total penatly yards...#1 in the league. At least we're first in something...:doh:

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Opinions are fine, but then back it up with some element of substance...You think that Brunell should be pulled and that he holds the offense back...Thats fine, but explain why...I respect your opinion just please back it up...Personnally I think MB has done a good job this year and I believe that when MB didn't put up the best numbers (Dallas, New York) the blame should had been placed on the O-Line instead of MB...Its hard to perform when you have linemen in your face as soon as the ball is placed in your hands...If you call for Brunell to be benched why not call for the whole offense to ride the pine...Are you saying that one man is the cause for Washington being 2-5?

I was asking you a question so you can see where my stance is on this.

I believe that the stats you put up are padded stats. For example on Sunday, he went 27 for 37 for 226 yards which averages 8 yards a completion. That is not even talking about RAC. The main point is that 70 yards and the TD came with the game over, and the colts just playing prevent D. About 30% of his days offence came from the last drive, which was dump offs to L. Betts. Most every game we have played has been like this.

When have you seen MB go thru a progression. Al Saunders has to call plays that will make MB sucessful, which is Screens or play where he is knowing where he is going to go with the ball before the ball is snapped. (Roll outs to Cooley, or any play that was ran against the Texans). We bought in A R E and Lloyd to compliment Moss, but MB has shown he has tunnel vision and he doesnt even see the other guys out there. I really cant think many times where he has gone thru his first reciever, then second, then third, have you?

Does anyone here think that MB is the only reason why we are losing, hell no, its not, but I believe that he is one of the main contributers to our downfall. if the season is over, (which it more then less is) why not get Jason in there and start facing live bullets, I mean we did trade alot away to get him.

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I personally have a hard time blaming this on Mark when I watch the games and see d-lines disrupt ANYTHING we try to do.

I think to the fans who don't even know which foot to step with first on a non influence right shoulder block, it's hard not to just see the QB and blame him for everything. Again part of the ignorance.

If I didnt believe that, maybe then I would question Gibbs' decision to stick with Mark.

believe me so would I.

It would only be a good decision to start Campbell when we are mathematically eliminated from the playoffs, and only then.

again you are right on the money.....good post.:applause:

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Well another thing is that Gibbs has decided to stick with Brunell, yet for some reason no one on extreme skins ever calls for his head...These fans love to bash MB, but they don't seem to realize that Gibbs knows football and if he said MB is the man there really shouldn't be much question or doubt geared towards MB...

Its kinda silly to expect so much. That would require these people to have football knowledge. But who knows, maybe we're talking about the next generation of Lombardi here. Maybe we should alert Snyder of this guy.

I personally have a hard time blaming this on Mark when I watch the games and see d-lines disrupt ANYTHING we try to do. If I didnt believe that, maybe then I would question Gibbs' decision to stick with Mark. It would only be a good decision to start Campbell when we are mathematically eliminated from the playoffs, and only then.

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Agreed...How may people said that his 22 in a row NFL RECORD was only against Houston, or they were only short passes....blab...blab..blab...

Most of these critics couldn't even throw and catch the ball 22 time's in a row from 15 feet away in their back yard, and they are going to criticize MB...:rolleyes:

No....your iggy because your arguments are falsely based on incorrect perceptions of what's going on in this offense. Weather it be your understanding of stats, or you just wanting to fit in with the cool anti brunell sig group, I don't know. What I do know is that you ignorantly focus all blame on MB when he's about third on the list when it comes to offense.

but since you are so stat worthy....here's just one stat that will help you understand a little better......

510 total penatly yards...#1 in the league. At least we're first in something...:doh:

First of all, you have never or will ever see me with an anti MB sig. And the thing about the 22 completions against houston, well yea, most of them where short passes, you cant deny that. You cant say they where hard throws for a NFL Quarterback to make, so the people that pointed out that the average pass was about 4 yards had no validity to what they pointed out?

So I am iggy because I have a false perception of "your assessment" with the offence. Okay, I can deal with that, since no one knows the real reason why.

Just because someone doesnt play football, or has played before, doesnt mean they cant be right with what they see out there, now that is ignorant.

Why are you throwing stats my way either, I didn't open this thread with the stats, I'm the one that says that the stats are misleading. Read bro, read.

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Hey man I respect that...But then again you have to ask what is the reasoning that MB allows goes with the screen or dump offs...This guy has been playing for over 14 years in the NFL, so he knows what he is doing...I honestly blame a lot of the problems for our offense on Al Saunders...I think that his system may have worked with the personnel in KC, but its not proven to be successful in Washington...I think the offensive playcalling has been mediocre at best and Gibbs should take control of the playcalling...I agree I would love to see MB go downfield more, but lets face it, our O-Line rarely gives him enough time to go through his reads...You can't be a playmaker has a QB when you have defenders in your face as soon as the ball is snapped to you...Look how well MB does when he has protection...There is more to this problem than Brunell and a lot of the fans need to realize that...The playcalling is lousy and the O-Line is pretty damn mediocre...CP isn't exactly tearing up the charts right now and a lot of that is b/c no holes are being created..

I was asking you a question so you can see where my stance is on this.

I believe that the stats you put up are padded stats. For example on Sunday, he went 27 for 37 for 226 yards which averages 8 yards a completion. That is not even talking about RAC. The main point is that 70 yards and the TD came with the game over, and the colts just playing prevent D. About 30% of his days offence came from the last drive, which was dump offs to L. Betts. Most every game we have played has been like this.

When have you seen MB go thru a progression. Al Saunders has to call plays that will make MB sucessful, which is Screens or play where he is knowing where he is going to go with the ball before the ball is snapped. (Roll outs to Cooley, or any play that was ran against the Texans). We bought in A R E and Lloyd to compliment Moss, but MB has shown he has tunnel vision and he doesnt even see the other guys out there. I really cant think many times where he has gone thru his first reciever, then second, then third, have you?

Does anyone here think that MB is the only reason why we are losing, hell no, its not, but I believe that he is one of the main contributers to our downfall. if the season is over, (which it more then less is) why not get Jason in there and start facing live bullets, I mean we did trade alot away to get him.

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First of all, you have never or will ever see me with an anti MB sig.

I :applause: you for that sir.

And the thing about the 22 completions against houston, well yea, most of them where short passes, you cant deny that. You cant say they where hard throws for a NFL Quarterback to make, so the people that pointed out that the average pass was about 4 yards had no validity to what they pointed out?

They have as much validity as those people who try to say that Joe Montana was over rated because all he threw was three yard slants to Jerry Rice and he'd run 70 yards.....in other words none what so ever.

So I am iggy because I have a false perception of "your assessment" with the offence.

Thing is, it's Gibbs assessment too. That is what makes you iggy. It just so happens that Gibbs and I are on the same page. No that you can't challenge the coach...but you are just wrong here....sorry.

Just because someone doesnt play football, or has played before, doesnt mean they cant be right with what they see out there, now that is ignorant.

That is true....I never said that. Mine was a judgement of quality based on experience not an all out indictment against those who haven't played football before.

Why are you throwing stats my way either, I didn't open this thread with the stats, I'm the one that says that the stats are misleading. Read bro, read.


you started the whole stats thing. Read below bro...read.

I believe that the stats you put up are padded stats. For example on Sunday, he went 27 for 37 for 226 yards which averages 8 yards a completion. That is not even talking about RAC. The main point is that 70 yards and the TD came with the game over, and the colts just playing prevent D. About 30% of his days offence came from the last drive, which was dump offs to L. Betts. Most every game we have played has been like this.

Here's some more stats for ya:

(14:15) M.Brunell sacked at IND 37 for -13 yards (D.Freeney).

(4:16) M.Brunell sacked at IND 15 for -6 yards. FUMBLES, and recovers at IND 16.

(1:17) PENALTY on WAS-J.Jansen, False Start, 5 yards, enforced at WAS 38 - No Play.

(:15) M.Brunell sacked at WAS 41 for -8 yards (J.Thomas).

(3:04) (Shotgun) M.Brunell pass short left to B.Lloyd to IND 29 for 17 yards (A.Bethea) [R.Mathis].

PENALTY on WAS-C.Samuels, Offensive Holding, 10 yards, enforced at IND 46 - No Play.

(2:07) M.Brunell pass short right to L.Betts to IND 20 for 13 yards (C.June).

PENALTY on WAS-C.Rabach, Offensive Holding, 10 yards, enforced at IND 33 - No Play.

That's 82 yards of penalties not on MB on offense or...36% of your given number. But we are the one's padding stats...? :doh::rolleyes:

Gosh...he would have had 338 totaly passing yards without those penalties...Burn him anyway...he's a witch!!!!! :evil:

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Poor old MB!!!The man sets an NFL record and no one gives him his kudos...That man could throw 6 TD passes in one game and somehow he wouldn't get any credit..."Well the only reason that MB threw so many TD passes is b/c the wind carried his ball 30 yards more than what it was supposed to go and just by shear coincidence it landed in the hands of one of our receivers." :laugh:

Here's some more stats for ya:

(14:15) M.Brunell sacked at IND 37 for -13 yards (D.Freeney).

(4:16) M.Brunell sacked at IND 15 for -6 yards. FUMBLES, and recovers at IND 16.

(1:17) PENALTY on WAS-J.Jansen, False Start, 5 yards, enforced at WAS 38 - No Play.

(:15) M.Brunell sacked at WAS 41 for -8 yards (J.Thomas).

(3:04) (Shotgun) M.Brunell pass short left to B.Lloyd to IND 29 for 17 yards (A.Bethea) [R.Mathis].

PENALTY on WAS-C.Samuels, Offensive Holding, 10 yards, enforced at IND 46 - No Play.

(2:07) M.Brunell pass short right to L.Betts to IND 20 for 13 yards (C.June).

PENALTY on WAS-C.Rabach, Offensive Holding, 10 yards, enforced at IND 33 - No Play.

That's 82 yards of penalties not on MB on offense or...36% of your given number. But we are the one's padding stats...? :doh::rolleyes:

Gosh...he would have had 338 totaly passing yards without those penalties...Burn him anyway...he's a witch!!!!! :evil:

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