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no huddle?


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i'd like to see the skins come out against dallas with a no huddle offense on the first possesion.

here's how you do it. take a combination of 3 runs, 3 passes, and 2 play action passes. work on them for the two weeks you have off. come out on the first series and run those eight plays in a no huddle (granted we can sustain an 8 play drive).

this offense scares nobody right now, and a no huddle would change the pace and throw off the defense. we need some kind of spark and something like this could get us going in the right direction.

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Tell us the truth, you just want to see us get 3 and out quicker?

C'mon man enjoy the genius that is the current Al Saunders offense! I love watching the hidden magic and intrigue unfold as we methodically get the play calls to Mark and the anticipation of the play clock expiring is exhilirating!

Pure genius I tell ya!


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