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What do we do if???


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Our season is over and obviously 99% of Washington is calling to get ready for the future by putting Jason Campbell in as our starting QB for the remainder of the season. What happens if by doing this we lose the majority of our games (lets say we go 5-11 or 6-10) and get a very good draft pick. What position would we go after. We need help at DE, DT, CB, and OL. Which one do we go after first?

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its kind of a toss up for me on whether our first choice should be a Dline, Oline, or Dback. it really depends on where our pick is and who is the best available player. W e have a lot of holls that need filling. A better pressuring Dline means not having to put our weaker secondary in one on one situations where they get burned all the time.

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