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the truth about the 06-07 redskins offense by an aspiring sports writer


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To start, I want to let you guys know that I am a die-hard. My dad left my pregnant mom(with me) to watch (with permission) the skins beat Denver in '87, so it is in my blood. I have, and will watch every game this season, as with every season past. I saved what money my broke a** could to drive 15 hours round trip from NC to watch the skins get embarrassed by the Titans.

I want to believe, but they are simply not a good offense right now.

I'm getting tired of everyone blaming one aspect of this offense. Whether it is Brunell, the line, Gibbs, Saunders, etc. It is everything. Every aspect of this offense was either overrated or has underachieved. Let me give you the rundown.

Brunell is decent at best. He has a pretty weak arm, has limited mobility, and shows little confidence or leadership qualities. Because he gets sub-par blocking most of the time, his first read is usually to the flats or a short in or out or curl. He rarely gets time to allow deep routes to develop, and when he does it's because there are 7 people in coverage, and even then he'll still get hurried or even sacked sometimes.

His lack of arm strength and vision means he can't squeeze passes into the seams of zone defenses, which is why he checks down to the backs and short routes. Brunell is managing the game the best he can by not turning the ball over with interceptions and forcing throws he can't make. Similar to Brad Johnson, opposite of Brett Farve. A strong running game would make him look a whole lot better, because when you gain good yards running on first down you can get along throwing 5 yard routes and screens. The skins are abandoning the run early which leaves Brunell stranded in third-and-long situations.

Lloyd can make spectacular catches, and Randle-El is a serious threat in the return game, but as overall wide recievers they were a little over-hyped in the offseason. Either Brunell doesn't know where they are going to be, or doesn't trust them, because with the attention given to Moss and Cooley they should be making an impact.

The O line is really suffering from the system change as well. These guys are big strong run blockers. Randy Thomas is one of the best pulling guards in the league. They should be aloud to beat up defense lines with strong run blocking, establish momentum, and let the finesse game follow (see Jacksonville victory).

Saunders had so much success in KC because he had a couple of perennial pro bowlers on the offensive line, a future HOF tight end, great backs and a quarterback with smarts and an arm...

We can't pass block like they did, and Brunell doesn't have the arm or the time to make big throws. The offensive line problem should be fixed with coaching, and the only answer at QB is a personnel change. Campbell might not make the difference immediatley, but if Brunell's experience isn't winning us games his weak arm is officially useless on the field. He could do a world of help for the future of this franchise working Campbell through the second half of this season from the sidelines. Cooley is a solid TE, and we have the weapons at WR more than Saunders ever had at KC. I don't think I even have to mention what we have at running back. I'm begging you Mr. Snyder, leave the offense alone. Campbell has the arm. If this offense gets a year, maybe two to click, they establish a strong run game, and Campbell learns the game and lives up to his potential, they will be the number one offense in the NFL. Mark my words.

Thanks for reading guys, i'm looking forward to replys. agree/disagree, whatever. lemme know what you think. i'll be writing one on the defense and another overall evaluation soon.



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The whole sub par blocking thing can also be placed on Brunell. Oh yes. The OL is supposed to create a pocket of protection. It is awfully hard to do that when the qb is never in the same place twice. They don't have time to keep looking back to see where "happy feet" has scampered off to this time and make an adjustment. Alot of time that is where you get the holding penalties, tripping, and so forth. If he woud stay put once in a while you'd see that pocket protection.

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Brunell doesn't step in the pocket, he just keeps backpeddling. If the DE's are beating Samuels and/or Jansen to the outside, then Brunell should step UP in the pocket, which counter's the defensive ends. Instead Brunell backpeddles and gives them a better angle of attack.

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if brunell were faster he could step up and get back out if he had to. whatr happens now is he steps back, then backs up, and that releases the pass rush right around our o line. They cannot defend those angles. If he steps up it puts the o line between him and hte rush, instead of them diving or grabbing to get between the two. Solution is JC cuz he is much faster and can step up to help the o line give him more time and escape faster if he has to.

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Yeah, I agree with you guys. I was pretty dumb for not including this fact about Brunell. He does drop back way to far, and makes a lot of throws of his back foot, moving backwards. I liked watching Campbell in the preseason because I saw good pocket presence from him.

One of Brunell's problems is he is only 6'0 tall at best, even though he is listed at 6'1. That is relatively short for a quarterback. I've played with a short quarterback, and they really have a hard time seeing over a big offensive line. Rabach is our shortest lineman at 6'4. Back in the day he could scramble, run around and make plays outside the pocket. His limited mobility leaves him running straight back into trouble.

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How can you run the ball effectively when you don't pass down the field? Our INABILITY or UNWILLINGNESS to throw the ball the downfield is the MAIN problem with our offense right now.

I agree. Not stretching the field means that defenders can crowd the line and be right there for run support or short pass coverage. It makes the opposing defense's job easier when we don't go downfield or run longer routes, because they end up being in the area of the ball all the time.

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How can you run the ball effectively when you don't pass down the field? Our INABILITY or UNWILLINGNESS to throw the ball the downfield is the MAIN problem with our offense right now.

its much more inability than unwillingness. brunell has a real noodle for an arm.

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The whole sub par blocking thing can also be placed on Brunell. Oh yes. The OL is supposed to create a pocket of protection. It is awfully hard to do that when the qb is never in the same place twice. They don't have time to keep looking back to see where "happy feet" has scampered off to this time and make an adjustment. Alot of time that is where you get the holding penalties, tripping, and so forth. If he woud stay put once in a while you'd see that pocket protection.
Brunell doesn't step in the pocket, he just keeps backpeddling. If the DE's are beating Samuels and/or Jansen to the outside, then Brunell should step UP in the pocket, which counter's the defensive ends. Instead Brunell backpeddles and gives them a better angle of attack.

Both excellent points and one's that I've been saying since the beginning of the season. What is the real deal with Brunell? Is he just afraid to get hit at this late stage of his career? We learn in pee-wee league to step up into the friggin pocket. It's not rocket science, but every week I watch the skins make something that really is not complicated into a harvard rocket science project. WTF!!!


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