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RIP Walter Payton


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There will be guys who will break Emmits record too.... what makes these guys great, is that they trancend the records. Their accomplishments and the players they were and are bigger than what the stats will ever show. :cheers:

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I agree, a lot of the Bear teams he played for were real bad. I remember when Payton was the ONLY offensive option in Chicago.

I'll give Emmitt his due, he's a great back, but if you wanted to pick one back to start a team with you'd be hard pressed to do better than Walter.

Even if Emmitt has the most yards ever I wouldn't make the argument that he was the best ever. Jim Brown was a little before my time and even though my father is a big Skins fan he'll argue with anyone who would say that he wasn't the best ever. Having never seen him play except in old action shots it's hard to judge. I did see Payton though.......I have never seen better.

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I can't say anything bad about Emmitt. I wish I could but you see Emmitt is the ONLY Cowboy I've ever cheered for...


Yes it's true. I who had learned to hate Dallas before I could walk once cheered for Emmitt.

I'm somewhat ashamed to admit it publicly but if I'm going to do so today is surely the day and this is certainly the place. It is after all an act of confession.

It happened in one of his Superbowls i don't remeber who he played or where it was, that matters little now.

The Cowboys were muchc to my delight behind and looking bad at half-time but they had Emmitt. He came out and virtually took over the game, running inside and out. Running through would be tacklers and catching passes like some primordial force of nature which could not be controlled or contained.

My "moment" came after a jaw dropping run on a crucial touchdown drive -- perhaps it was a fourth and one, perhaps he scored, I don't recall. What I can never forget is that he went at the defense with a ferocity bordering on the maniacal, defenders seemed to bounce off him and fall to the ground broken and vanquished.

He got up yelling and pumping his chest as if he were King Kong reincarnated and this was HIS realm. As if he was giving notice to the world that no man, woman, or beast, would stop him this day.

It was a moment which, for me, transcended sport. To my shock I found myself pumping my fist spontaneously and yelling as if my beloved Riggo had just scored a touchdown.

It reminded me of the Nazi in the film "Victory" who uncocntrollably cheered when a P.O.W. played by Pele ,scored a magnificent head-over-heels goal against the German National team.

Such moments are rare and filled with beauty.

You know my shame.

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I just wish Barry Sanders was still here.....he's the one that really deserves the record.Emmitt got it by default in my opinion....Then again it was Barry's decision to leave the NFL....... so congrats to Emmitt for sticking it out:cheers:

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Back when Walter was finished playing they asked him if he thought his record would ever be broken and he said, yes, I can already hear the footsteps behind me. At that time it was both Barry and Emmitt stiil hard charging to be the next rushing leader.

With all the other questions asked of Emmitt today I am surprised nobody asked that of him. While nothing is a given; Marshall Fauk with a little luck, knock on wood, may some time find himself in the same position first Walter and now Emmitt is in. Will this record stand the test of time or will somebody evetually break it.

I think somebody will eventually, maybe Marshall, maybe somebody else. I think Jerry Rice's incredible pass yardage record and TD scoring record will some day be broken. Just as I enjoyed seeing Walter play, and loved watching Emmitt do it today, I hope I see the new guy do it too. None of these records are broken casually, or with little effort. So far we have been lucky that both these guys are stand up guys.

I think that is what I have enjoyed most about both of them. While JJ obviously couldn't get Walter for todays game he did get Walter's Mom and older brother to see Emmitt's shot at breaking the record. I am sure that those of you who were interested did read the articles (including a good one in the WP) about how Emmitt met Walter when Emmitt bunged his neck at Chicago a few years back. Apparently both of these guys did know each other and enjoyed each others company. That too was a good thing.

As to Barry Sanders breaking the record I will fall back on Mike Ditka's remark that was flooating around on the Dallas boards last week. Barry Sanders was a great runing back, but he chose to leave the game for reasons of his own. Given their choice both Walter and Emmitt just like to play the game, as well and as long as they can. Well Emmitt is still playing, despite playing behind an o-line as crippled as yours or worse this year (7 starting o-line ups in 8 games). He has gone through the good times and is still playing now when the Boys will have a successful season if they can make it to .500 this year. I hope he and JJ will work some deal so he can when his salary/cap hit will be 9 million next year he can continue to play for the Cowboys. Just as long as he wants to anyway.

When I watched the Skins game tonight I loved seeing D Green as one of the 70's best, still playing at the age of at least 100 because he enjoyed it and wanted too and thought he could still contribute. Emmitt and the Dallas fans should be so lucky.

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