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Renewed Faith / Let's Rally Around this Team


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Hey Guys,

A lot has gone wrong this year and I believe everyone notices it in one aspect or another. I was just going through my links and watched this again:


And it dawned on me. While there are problems lets rally around this team. Tearing down this team from within by the loyalists fans in the NFL doesn't help.

Give them something to play for. I for one have called for Brunell's benching several times in several threads. No more. I will rally with whoever is on the field come Sunday. Regardless of whether he should or shouldn't be benched.

We are to good of a team to self-destruct and end the year already. Yes we have a tough road ahead of us but it starts on Sunday.

If any team can do the unthinkable it is this team. We have a hard test come Sunday but when our backs are against the wall no team responds better than ours. Let's support them on to a victory starting Sunday and marching through until we have re-established our place as a dominate team in the NFC again! If you have anything to give this team now is the time!


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We still have that fire. You don't just lose it. It just needs to be rekindled. This is the week we do that and get ourselves right back into the playoff chase. Let's go get us some horse!

Thanks for the vid and the boost hockey.

Hail all Skins fans!!!


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Wait, 3 days ago you said that we should boo our team, What changed your mind?

(Glad to see you did switch back tho)

I did say we should boo the performance on Sunday ... I did infact because I was there. I don't know really ... I just watched that video and it reminded me how well we did last year.

And reading countless negative threads on how everything needs to be changed just got me thinking how slippery a slope that is. And if the team started to think like we did we would be lucky to even go 8-8.

I just got carried away in the dissapointments of this team but decided to no longer dwell on it and to support this team regardless.


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This is the best thread on this board right now. We should all post here instead of creating a new "lets beat whatever team we play this week" thread.

lets go for a record number of posts in one thread to show the team we support them no matter what:cheers:

I'll even get rid of the anti Brunell sig:)

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I did say we should boo the performance on Sunday ... I did infact because I was there. I don't know really ... I just watched that video and it reminded me how well we did last year.

And reading countless negative threads on how everything needs to be changed just got me thinking how slippery a slope that is. And if the team started to think like we did we would be lucky to even go 8-8.

I just got carried away in the dissapointments of this team but decided to no longer dwell on it and to support this team regardless.


Welcome back my friend, I too, was also disappointed in our performance. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't saying the performance didn't DESERVE a boo or two. You obviously are a fan who, in the end, sticks by their team through the proverbial thick and thin. Well, its "thin" right now. Perhaps your loyalty will be witnessed by a player or two and inspire them one just 1 extra play. 1 extra play makes the difference and the team begins to rally...

Could happen..

It all begins with us

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Welcome back my friend, I too, was also disappointed in our performance. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't saying the performance didn't DESERVE a boo or two. You obviously are a fan who, in the end, sticks by their team through the proverbial thick and thin. Well, its "thin" right now. Perhaps your loyalty will be witnessed by a player or two and inspire them one just 1 extra play. 1 extra play makes the difference and the team begins to rally...

Could happen..

It all begins with us

It seems always easier to point out what was wrong then what was right. I think my fustrations from the long drive to the game, spending money etc. got to me. But reading all sorts of negative threads like why didn't we draft brees, lets trade everyone, fire all the coaches just didn't seem like the typical redskins fans I know.

Also when my friend who is a dallas fan was telling us he feels sorry for us i didn't want any part of it!

I think this team will rebound ... maybe we will make the playoffs maybe we wont but we will learn you always need to play with heart and as long as our team goes out plays Joe Gibbs football we will support them!


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Excellent video, the part when Gibbs gets the cooler after the win against the pukes last year was awesome. That face and smile say it all, Joe is here to win and that's just what we're gong to see come sunday!!! I lost faith too, but after watching that, I still have hope!

Skins: 20

Colts: 14

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This is the BEST DAMN THREAD I have seen on these forums in a LONG TIME!!! Give this person a Gold Star! I won't welcome you back because in my eyes you never left us. You are indeed a shining example of what it is to be a Redskins fan. I read these messages while watching that video( I have watched it so many times in the past ) and I actually got a tear in my eye. I am so ready to back this team 100% come Sunday and every Sunday after that when they hit the field. Times are tough right now but not nearly as bad as I remember not too many years ago when all hope was truely lost. I didn't break then, and I won't now. This team has been my team since I was a boy barely able to walk on my own. It will always be my team. That being said, these players we have right now, the coaches, and the fans here on ES give me hope. Hope that we will get through this. I do BELIEVE, my friend.

I DO BELIEVE!! :logo: :point2sky

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