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More trouble for Reid


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WASHINGTON - Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid has been using campaign donations instead of his personal money to pay Christmas bonuses for the support staff at the Ritz-Carlton where he lives in an upscale condominium. Federal election law bars candidates from converting political donations for personal use

I guess it's about time he step down, right?

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WASHINGTON - Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid has been using campaign donations instead of his personal money to pay Christmas bonuses for the support staff at the Ritz-Carlton where he lives in an upscale condominium. Federal election law bars candidates from converting political donations for personal use

I guess it's about time he step down, right?

Ummm I don't think so. . .

Reid's office said Monday his lawyers had approved them but he nonetheless was personally reimbursing his campaign for the $3,300 he had directed to the staff holiday fund at his residence.

Duncan, this is from the same Solomon who had many dishonest articles about Reid in the past.

He is the one who said he sold land he didn't own (we just went down that road), also the Nevada boxing commission BS accusation which never disclosed that Reid voted against the commission, finally he also tried to link him with Abrahmof. In other words, Reid must have sthooped Solomon's wife because all he does is try to come up with "dirt" on Reid, yet he has shot blanks on every article.

For this latest one? Seriously, resign? He paid the money back, and again, there are much much worse things in congress then a person paying bonus' from an account he shouldn't have, then repaing the money when the mistake was pointed out to him.

Some links about Solomon's hit jobs on Reid. . .





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Ummm I don't think so. . .

Duncan, this is from the same Solomon who had many dishonest articles about Reid in the past.

He is the one who said he sold land he didn't own (we just went down that road), also the Nevada boxing commission BS accusation which never disclosed that Reid voted against the commission, finally he also tried to link him with Abrahmof. In other words, Reid must have sthooped Solomon's wife because all he does is try to come up with "dirt" on Reid, yet he has shot blanks on every article.

For this latest one? Seriously, resign? He paid the money back, and again, there are much much worse things in congress then a person paying bonus' from an account he shouldn't have, then repaing the money when the mistake was pointed out to him.

Some links about Solomon's hit jobs on Reid. . .





I know Mike, he's a Democrat so it's OK. It's zombies like you that keep our political system in a mess.

Your knee jerk reaction is to attack, defend "your side" at all costs, it's so sad.....

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They should investigate this to the fullest and see what comes of it.

Is that so hard to say?

I'm glad to see the ethics committee coming back online.

Does seem kind of shady, coming from the same guy whose other accusations turned out to be bunk or not the "shocker" that Republicans wanted it to be.

Zombie like brains...

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I know Mike, he's a Democrat so it's OK. It's zombies like you that keep our political system in a mess.

Your knee jerk reaction is to attack, defend "your side" at all costs, it's so sad.....

Kick somebody in the balls and blame them for falling on the ground

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I know Mike, he's a Democrat so it's OK. It's zombies like you that keep our political system in a mess.

Your knee jerk reaction is to attack, defend "your side" at all costs, it's so sad.....

Really Duncan? Have you shown that he has done anything wrong, or outside what every republican has done over the past fer years?

What did he do here? He paid $3K out of one account and re-paid it when the mistake was found. Do you have the same contempt for republicans that do this thing?

I mean come on now, it is nothing more then a witch hunt to take the republican scandals off the front pages, and Scanlon has pulled it 2 times in the past week. Have you come out and formally said Hastert should resign? How about Frist? How about many of the other corrupt politicians who have broken the law.

In this case, like I said in the other thread, censured is the action. If you want to expell him from congress from this, I think it would be safe to say your republican class would consist of about 100 less politicians.

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Really Duncan? Have you shown that he has done anything wrong, or outside what every republican has done over the past fer years?

Really? So now it's "Hey, the Repubs did it so it's OK" :laugh:

So with that logic Foley is off the hook, right? Or the most he has to worry about is an after the fact censure?

Because that's all that flamer Congressman that died last week got when he boned a 17 year old page

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Reid should face charges over this. He clearly knew it was wrong and did it anyway.

And what will the charges be Johnny? Do you think he should be kicked out?

Do you also think that Frist should be kicked out? How about Hastert? Wasn't it you who was defending Tom Delay in another thread?

Again, look at the crime, he paid $3K to his staff from one account and repaid the money when it was brought to his attention. Let the punishment fit the crime. Both cases are nothing but a witch hunt for the wolves to eat and divert attention to hiding pedophiles in their ranks.

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Really? So now it's "Hey, the Repubs did it so it's OK" :laugh:

So with that logic Foley is off the hook, right? Or the most he has to worry about is an after the fact censure?

Again Sarge, if you want to find corruption in congress, this is nothing at all. Your feigned outrage is a joke, and trying to paint him as a person who should resign over this is about as weak as it comes.

If this is Rove's "October surprise", you are screwed on Nov. 7th.

And yes, don;t let the fact that you are STILL trying to defend Foley escape your eyes. . . so he should be censured for soliciting sex from a minor. :doh:

Hey, look at it this way, at least Catholic priests have competition now. I mean if they can have sex with boys in the GOP, then why suffer a life of poverty for their depraived behavior? Heck, you can have sex with boys and a cushy job on K-Street after you run. I wouldn't be surprised to see many Father O'Malleys come out in the next few years with an ® next to their name.

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