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Ok, so the safeties played back; so why weren't we able to run?


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Why weren't we able to throw underneath/slant passes more?

I like the new plays that we have, but the Giants blitzed alot yesterday; where were the draw plays or screens?

Are these type of questions taboo for the media to ask the coaches?

Who are we trying to protect by not asking/answering these obvious questions?

BTW, sorry if I am coming across as a bit naive, but I am just seeking a definitive answer.

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We weren't on the field enough to establish the run. We got it going a little bit and then stalled on 3rd downs. Yes, the middle of the field was where we should have concentrated, but who knows what the gameplan would have been had we had more time on the field. The defense kept us on the sidelines, and I believe that was a major factor in not be able to take advantage of them playing the "2 Deep Umbrella." Hope this helps.


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The Giants had two weeks to watch film of this offense. They know that if they take away the outside and play against the run, our offense will stall. Brunell simply cant consistantly complete passes over the middle anymore. That terribly overthrown ball that Pierce should have intercepted was ample proof of that and we didnt try it much afterwards.

Cover 2 is generally vulnerable in the middle, behind the LBs and in front of the Safeties. Unfortunately, that is the hardest place for Brunell to throw at this point. Expect to see variations of this defense from most our opponents this year. The question is, can we beat it consistantly with Brunell at the helm?

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Again, see "Inconsistency with our Offensive Line." We lost the battle on the line all day. We were constantly getting pushed back off the snap and the running lanes where shutdown. Its hard to get into the secondary when our damn O-line cant even get a positive push off the snap.

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The OL didn't control the line of scrimmage, the Giants pressure with their front four allowing the LB's to flow to the ball basically untouched all day

add in the fact, the Skins had fewer chances to do anything with the ball, due to the Giants controling the clock... it adds up as a rotten day

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The offensive line got hit in the mouth and they cowered from the Giants. Instead of drive blocking the line resorted to love taps and "guiding". The Giant linebackers, lead by Pierce, keyed on the pulling of the offensive linemen and met Portis in the hole.

We were scared to run it up the middle and didn't have confidence in our line to beat them straight up. Maybe that confidence isn't deserved or maybe the coaches should have showed more confidence, either way the line wasn't going to assert themselves and created more questions than answers.

What's interesting is that Gibbs' humble approach may have had an effect on the team. He is so praising of the other team and acts so scared of playing division rivals on the road, it seems like the team takes that persona. The Washington Redskins wanted no part of the New York Giants and they simply went through the motions for most of the game.

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If you watch the game over watch Pierce. Not I know it is common football knowledge that if you follow the pulling guard he'll take you to the play, but Pierce one up'd that he'd see the guard pull and then beat every blocker on the field to the point of attack. He knew where every play was going this guy is a stud and he does his homework...He was far and away the best defensive player on the field yesterday! The only plays he wasn't involved in were plays he took himself out of, either outguessing his instincts or taking bad angles under blocks and what not. He played balls out!

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The OL didn't control the line of scrimmage, the Giants pressure with their front four allowing the LB's to flow to the ball basically untouched all day

add in the fact, the Skins had fewer chances to do anything with the ball, due to the Giants controling the clock... it adds up as a rotten day

I watched most of the game again lastnight via "Short cuts" and you seem to be right on with your quote bubba.

What confuses me is how an OL can be so dominating one week and then the next week play so poorly.

The offensive line got hit in the mouth and they cowered from the Giants. Instead of drive blocking the line resorted to love taps and "guiding". The Giant linebackers, lead by Pierce, keyed on the pulling of the offensive linemen and met Portis in the hole.

We were scared to run it up the middle and didn't have confidence in our line to beat them straight up. Maybe that confidence isn't deserved or maybe the coaches should have showed more confidence, either way the line wasn't going to assert themselves and created more questions than answers.

What's interesting is that Gibbs' humble approach may have had an effect on the team. He is so praising of the other team and acts so scared of playing division rivals on the road, it seems like the team takes that persona. The Washington Redskins wanted no part of the New York Giants and they simply went through the motions for most of the game.

You are dead on about the line, but I don't understand your opinion about Gibbs "approach." Maybe you are talking about the 4th &1 that Gibbs decided to punt on. :whoknows:
If you watch the game over watch Pierce. Not I know it is common football knowledge that if you follow the pulling guard he'll take you to the play, but Pierce one up'd that he'd see the guard pull and then beat every blocker on the field to the point of attack. He knew where every play was going this guy is a stud and he does his homework...He was far and away the best defensive player on the field yesterday! The only plays he wasn't involved in were plays he took himself out of, either outguessing his instincts or taking bad angles under blocks and what not. He played balls out!
He did play amazingly well, but it is strange...I have a cousin that lives in NY and is a huge Giants fan and he says that Pierce doesn't usually play that good. He probably played the game of his life yesterday.
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For some reason, it took the blockers longer to get round the offensive tackles than usual. I'm thinking that Strahan and Osi were instructed to look for the perimeter run and maintain position instead of bolting after the QB early in the game. Our perimeter running did take a long time and the linebackers like Pierce quickly darted in to disrupt the play. For some reason the Redskin tight ends like Sellers didn't see Pierce coming and let him through one of the gaps.

There definately could have been some reverses put in to take advantage of a fast aggressive line backing. We were more sucessful with the quicker developing plays like the draw play. A couple high percentage dink and dunk passes probably would have been more effective yesterday. Somehow I think Brunell is try too hard to throw deep and holding onto the ball too long.

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