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Students Wear Islam Dress For Class


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I'm waiting for the ACLU to spring into action :rolleyes:


NYSSA, Ore. -- Officials at a public school in Oregon are defending a seventh-grade social studies unit on Islam that included students dressing in traditional Islamic dress.

Kendlee Garner of Nyssa told the Ontario Argus Observer that she objected to the amount of time dedicated to the unit on Islam -- four weeks -- as well as the wearing of religious garb and the lack of parental notification. She said her son told her about the activity, and when she objected, he got an alternate assignment in the library.

Nyssa school officials respond that teaching about Islam is not promoting the religion. Superintendent Don Grotting said it's part of meeting state standards that call for students to "understand the importance of the rise of Islam and its interaction with Europe."

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I guess the parents approved of it when they "signed the slip," so to speak, by allowing their children to attend public school. (See yesterday's museum thread.) The ACLU won't move. Now, if were a CHRISTIAN event that lasted four weeks you'd hear "SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE! SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!" *sigh*

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now what are you complaining about? For some guy whining every day about outrage by liberals, muslims, anyone, you do complain a lot.

Oh yeah "well I don't chop heads off..." yeah well you have advocated a million times worse

Oh and are you going to bring that BS about moral equivalency? I am not making you morally equivalent...you are making yourself morally equivalent.

There that should save some ius from some of the trite responses.

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now what are you complaining about? For some guy whining every day about outrage by liberals, muslims, anyone, you do complain a lot.

Oh yeah "well I don't chop heads off..." yeah well you have advocated a million times worse

Oh and are you going to bring that BS about moral equivalency? I am not making you morally equivalent...you are making yourself morally equivalent.

There that should save some ius from some of the trite responses.

Wearing of religious garb? IN SCHOOL? ON PUBLIC PROPERTY?

Can't have that. The ACLU said so

Of course, they are probably to busy gearing up for their annual "Anti-Christmas" campaign to bother with this :rolleyes:

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Wearing of religious garb? IN SCHOOL? ON PUBLIC PROPERTY?

Can't have that. The ACLU said so

Of course, they are probably to busy gearing up for their annual "Anti-Christmas" campaign to bother with this :rolleyes:

They wear christian choir robes every year for graduation... :paranoid:

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I guess the parents approved of it when they "signed the slip," so to speak, by allowing their children to attend public school. (See yesterday's museum thread.) The ACLU won't move. Now, if were a CHRISTIAN event that lasted four weeks you'd hear "SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE! SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!" *sigh*

Funny I bet you would be fine if it was only a four week Christian teaching. And be real pissed if Muslims complained about like you are this. Double standards are nice.

For the record - I disagree with what the school did. Four weeks on one subject??

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I have to agree. Imagine a muslim parent (or any other religion besides Christianity) voicing their outrage about their child being told to wear a crucifix in class. This is hypocricy, plain and simple, despite how anyone in this thread attempts to defend it.

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I have to agree. Imagine a muslim parent (or any other religion besides Christianity) voicing their outrage about their child being told to wear a crucifix in class. This is hypocricy, plain and simple, despite how anyone in this thread attempts to defend it.

I agree. I just don't agree with the Christian arguement of 'Waahh, if we can't do it neither can they. :cry:'

NOBODY should be to do it. Though, I do appreciate that the school allowed the kid to work on another project. I would have no problem if this was more of a voluntary project.

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Funny I bet you would be fine if it was only a four week Christian teaching. And be real pissed if Muslims complained about like you are this. Double standards are nice.

For the record - I disagree with what the school did. Four weeks on one subject??

Naw...I'd just call it "non-revisionist American History." :D But teaching what our Founders really believed, and teaching what our Nation was really built on, is just plain "unconstitutional" these days. :rolleyes:

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Naw...I'd just call it "non-revisionist American History." :D But teaching what our Founders really believed, and teaching what our Nation was really built on, is just plain "unconstitutional" these days. :rolleyes:

Slaving owning and not paying taxes? You really want to teach those morals to our kids? Or should we just pick the beliefs of their's that you like?

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now what are you complaining about? For some guy whining every day about outrage by liberals, muslims, anyone, you do complain a lot.

Oh yeah "well I don't chop heads off..." yeah well you have advocated a million times worse

Oh and are you going to bring that BS about moral equivalency? I am not making you morally equivalent...you are making yourself morally equivalent.

There that should save some ius from some of the trite responses.

Who are you directing this at and how has that person "advocated a million times worse"? Worse than beheadings in the name of a god?

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Slaving owning and not paying taxes? You really want to teach those morals to our kids? Or should we just pick the beliefs of their's that you like?

Um...slave owning is/was a Christian principle? Who doesn't pay taxes according to the laws of our land? Where is the moral breakdown you allude to?

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IF the founding fathers wanted this to be a "Christian" nation, they would have made it so. They would have incorporated Christianity into the government, but they didn't.

Their LIVES, and thus their decisions, incorporated it into our government. But somehow that doesn't count. :rolleyes:

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IF the founding fathers wanted this to be a "Christian" nation, they would have made it so. They would have incorporated Christianity into the government, but they didn't.
Please not another "Christian nation"/Founding Fathers thread...:shot: I can't take the stress!
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Or giving them credit for allowing an alternate learning assignment?

IMHO, I think a month is too long for any subject.

However, just to point out, Islam is a religion, however, it is also more of a culture as well. They have attire that is associate with them. Christians do not. If they had a month study on Christianity, which they may have, they really couldn't have a "dress up as a Christian month", because there is not stereotype of Christian attire. Correct?

That being said, I'm not a fan of a month long study into any religion in school. But I'm sure that they were not being led in Islamic prayer or anything like that.

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Please not another "Christian nation"/Founding Fathers thread...:shot: I can't take the stress!

Skinsfan51 insists on pressing the issues that all the founding fathers were Christians when many of us have produced an equal number of quotes from the founding fathers showing that they had little faith in organized religion... :2cents:

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