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Just got snubbed up here in Canada...


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Up here we have a sports network called "The Score" and on mondays they run a show called NFL BLITZ. They ended up not even showing a single highlight of the game and at the end of the program we ended up on the top analysts "Pretenders" list. I'm sorry, but didn't we just beat the team that most analysts have been claiming as one of the top teams in the league? Pure BS, the anti Skinz snubs have no boundaries!!

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Don't get too excited! Here in DC it is par for the course. Sunday Night Football had no highlights of the Skins/Jags during halftime! Last week on MNF they did coverage of 0-2 teams; Redskins weren't mentioned! We get the bottom of the barrel announcers, downsized TV crews, and no comments from any of the networks. I want to see what ESPN does tonight on Countdown! And I'll be watching to see if we get mentioned during the half-time highlights. You'd think Cossell was directing the coverage from the grave!!!!!

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