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To all the Hall Bashers.....


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One word: Who?

Senior kicker at Univ. of Colorado. We need to draft this guy. Saw him make a 62 yarder in week 1. Made a 64 yarder last week that was waived off because of a timeout, then missed the rekick by a foot wide left. Both kicks would've been good from 70. He's only missed 1 FG this year and was 22/29 last year on a bad Colorado team.

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I have nothing against Hall, personally. Overall, he had a pretty good game. I just think he's been a lousy kicker for the past two years, and I have no idea why the coaching staff still has any faith in him. Did *anybody* really think he was going to hit that game-tying field goal?

I feel like my posts have been too negative lately, so just as an aside I want to mention that even though this loss is really disappointing, I still think the Redskins are playoff bound. And even if they're not, then who cares. Joe Gibbs gave us three super bowl victories, and at least some hope for one last year. Anybody who bad-mouths him is a clown. He could go 0-16 this year and I'd still be happy that he came back.

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