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POLL-Who is the #2 QB


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I see Jason as being like Donavan McNabb in his first season. His legs save him. McNabb couldn't read defenses either, had a hard time finding receivers, but when he did make a throw he made a good one...but most of the time he was scrambling for his life or running for a first down. Thats where Campbell is right now after sitting on the bench for a year and not playing football for a year and a half.

He will be fine after his growing pains are over.

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what was up with COOLEY. He dropped a pass...a SHORT pass at that. He drops a TWO yard pass that would have been a first down. What is up with this team They just keep screwing up at every turn, and speaking of turns, they seem to take turns screwing up. Never the same guy twice. Thats worries me because EVERYBODY doens't correct their problems at once which means many of these screwups will follow the Skins into the regular season. Very disappointing tonight, vanilla aside.

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I can tell you right now that TC is the #2. Just listen to Gibbs' post game presser. He said JC has a "future" here. That means that he didn't win the competition between he and TC.

I still believe that in the case Brunell were out for a long period of time they would put JC in. But in the middle of a game, I think they will put TC in.

This has become a who do you WANT to be the #2 QB poll. It's obvious Collins is #2 and Campbell is #3. Now that may very well change in the season but as of now thats that.

Yeah, I'm also with Collins as #2. I'm not completely sold on Campbell yet; the athleticism and arm are there but I think he looks a step slow in his decision-making and he locks onto the receivers for too long before passing the ball. I think the veteran will be #2.

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what was up with COOLEY. He dropped a pass...a SHORT pass at that. He drops a TWO yard pass that would have been a first down. What is up with this team They just keep screwing up at every turn, and speaking of turns, they seem to take turns screwing up. Never the same guy twice. Thats worries me because EVERYBODY doens't correct their problems at once which means many of these screwups will follow the Skins into the regular season. Very disappointing tonight, vanilla aside.

Maybe its a conspiracy that the team orchestrated in order to get you mad- In all honesty I have no clue what your last statement means, the one about screwups following them. We are tied for first and under the radar- I dont really see anything from the past month following us into the season. You wont see the same team on the 11th. I sure hope CP comes out with a routine to lively the week up.

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Collins seems to have more comfort with what's going on around him and does seem capable of putting the ball where it supposed to go.

I think Campbell has all the skills, but just needs experience with not only this complicated offense and what to do with it, but also how to read defenses, and know what to do when they come after him.

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I hope Brunell will go the distance for one. IMO...Young Auburn should hold the two spot, it's pre-season, yes I know, with all this soft serve JC has shined the most. Now if your #2, as of far, has had the secret original recipe from Col.Saunders, why is it not so tasty? Let's just say this, I had my taste test and I will now buy my chicken in alabama, not Michigan.

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Saunders is going to annoint Collins the #2 to start the season and then allow Campbell to come along as the season progresses. that makes the most sense. take the pressure off Jason as long as possible, until he becomes comfortable and automatic in this offense.

If Saunders did the opposite it wouldn't benefit anyone. Campbell would get greater scrutiny as the #2 from the media and Collins would be prematurely demoted to #3 while we all acknowledge that Jason is a ways away from being ready to start in the NFL.

I would argue that the pressure of the number 2 spot (given the likelyhood of an injury to Brunell) would be GODD for JC. He'll deal with the media and experience the daily preparations like a starter would. I vote Cambell #2

Then again my vote is biased because I love JC and I HATE the thought of Collins leading our team through 06, which will later be remembered as a PIVOTAL season in the hitory of this franchise.


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I really hope Campbell is the number 2. Collins has look terrible up untill today. In game one I wanted to cut him instantly. I didnt like that filling in game 1 with collins reminded me of the first season we had Brunell in there and he didnt look to good. I just know if Brunell goes down me and everyone else here knows they want Campbell in there starting........

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After the press conference tonight I'll be suprised if Campbell is the #2. I think Gibbs likes Collins at the #2 for now.
I thought Gibbs gave it away completely when he praised Collins- Jason Campbell is the #2. It's 100% a Gibbs move to praise the guy who didn't get the spot.


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Who do many of the fans and the press want as #2? Campbell.

Who will the coaching staff name as #2? Collins.

If Collins had continued the way he did in the first preseason game, Campbell may have had a shot, but Collins came in as the #2 and didn't end up losing it. Even in that first game, the biggest reason for the problems was that one whole side of the backup offensive line didn't show up to play that first series.

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"Saunders is going to annoint Collins the #2 to start the season and then allow Campbell to come along as the season progresses. that makes the most sense. take the pressure off Jason as long as possible, until he becomes comfortable and automatic in this offense.

If Saunders did the opposite it wouldn't benefit anyone. Campbell would get greater scrutiny as the #2 from the media and Collins would be prematurely demoted to #3 while we all acknowledge that Jason is a ways away from being ready to start in the NFL."

the more likely scenario in my book: JC is consigned to clipboard/opposing team duties. MB is injured and misses some games. Collins comes in and the staff steadfastly stands by him through 2 consecutive losses. At that point, with the season at the brink, JC is thrown into the breach and asked to perform the impossible.

this is one area wher the Cow-Pukes are clearly light years ahead of us......COllins versus Romo sits to pee is a no brainer. We better hope that it never comes down to having to go to #2 if our former first round pick is as unprepared as so many think.

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what was up with COOLEY. He dropped a pass...a SHORT pass at that. He drops a TWO yard pass that would have been a first down. What is up with this team They just keep screwing up at every turn, and speaking of turns, they seem to take turns screwing up. Never the same guy twice. Thats worries me because EVERYBODY doens't correct their problems at once which means many of these screwups will follow the Skins into the regular season. Very disappointing tonight, vanilla aside.

Surprised you didn't blame that on Brunell!

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I just dont get it. I think it will be todd but I am not sure why. if it is knowing the system then why would you not start collins? So then that would make ability be the more importent factor right. So.....jason dose not have the ability that collins has? or is Jason just that far behind on the playbook? that means Brunell picked up the play book a lot sooner then Jason did? But I keep hearing from the coaches that Campbell is progressing at a good pace.

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Woah. The last thing I expected was for this poll to be as close as it is. I thought it was going to be Campbell in a landslide (I voted for Collins).

I'm a little shocked myself. With all the "blind" love I see around here for Campbell I thought for sure this poll wouldn't be close. Maybe people are starting to see the "big picture" for this season? I have to admit I would rather see Collins in there than Campbell if it came down to a Brunell injury for a few games.

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"I'm a little shocked myself. With all the "blind" love I see around here for Campbell I thought for sure this poll wouldn't be close. Maybe people are starting to see the "big picture" for this season? I have to admit I would rather see Collins in there than Campbell if it came down to a Brunell injury for a few games."

the problem is..."the big picture" insofar as Collins is concerned...rather looks like "turning the other cheek". face it - we're in somewhat of a bind. Collins isn't really NFL starter caliber material and JC needs more time to learn the system and speed of the game.

stay healthy Mark....stay healthy!!!

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