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very fair reffing

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I hadn't seen this ref team before, but they were very fair and balanced. A complete opposite of the reffing last week, when absolutely every call and non-call went to the Whiners, and that from a more veteran group of refs.

It does make me wonder. It does seem to be a pattern. We get shafted against teams in big markets or with national followings (the Cryboys, Whiners, Midgets, and Squealers) and get make-up games the next week against the Tennessees, Arizonas, etc. of the league.

It's not the NBA or MLB or anything, but it makes me curious.

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It's a very hard thing for me to ever agree with a roughing call. I find almost every one of them to be bogus. That call against Ramsey, however, was as clear as you find a roughing call. The ball was thrown and the Hall hit in on his third step after. He took two full steps and hit him on the third. He also lowered his helmet and hit him in the back with it. While I don't mind that too much, and I don't know that I agree with having to count steps, the fact is, he's only allowed one step and as the rule is defined that, at least, was a clearly late hit.

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They only showed it once, and it just didn't look that bad to me. It seems to me like that call, like holding, can be made whenever the refs want.

Think about the stats on hits and hurries. I still can't figure out where they draw the line. The three steps vs. one step is fine, but not applied accurately. I also didn't think he lowered his hlemet, and actually seemed to wrap him up. Are we talking about the same penalty? third quarter opening drive? I think that's when it was. Ah well, my memory might not be great, I was too busy jumping for joy on the reception. i just remember thinking I owuld be cursing if the call were made against us.

Some other plays wereally got the advantage of the calls: the drop vs. fumble by Doering (not saying it was wrong just borderline). Perhaps the worste non call of the game was the mugging in the endzone where our WR prevented an interception. How was that not offensive pass interference? We mugged that DB?

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Did anyone else notice this in the "week in the life of a referee" article posted here ?

Carey receives a "marginal call" reprimand for a holding penalty the office would rather have had him ignore

Does this mean that the refs are supposed to be subjectively evaluating each potential call before throwing their flags? Even the theoretically objective calls?

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