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A new Idea about the preseason


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What is this all about? Why do they even play these games? Some answers are:

To fine tune the o and d strategies.

To give some of the new blood a chance to make the team.

To get real world game time experience to both starters and backups.

..sorry if I missed any.

Winning these games on the score board is the least important compared to the other things i've listed. That said, I think it would be a good Idea to change the way we play these games.

Here's my Idea:

Start your third and fourth string in the first half. the second string plays the third quarter. Your first and second unit play the fourth quarter.

Before you laugh and flame me with the negetives...here are the positives (all assuming the other teams don't do the same):

1. The new blood will be able to play against the first teams... it they can prove them selves there they can make it in the NFL. however you must be a little more forgiving with mistakes they make.

2. The starters would play against less quality. While this might lead to a false since of confidence, it would also show any glaring problems that you have. If you can't move the ball against third stringers...well it might be time for more fundamentals...

3. The chance of injury would possibly go down...but I doubt it.

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What is this all about? Why do they even play these games? Some answers are:

To fine tune the o and d strategies.

To give some of the new blood a chance to make the team.

To get real world game time experience to both starters and backups.

..sorry if I missed any.

Winning these games on the score board is the least important compared to the other things i've listed. That said, I think it would be a good Idea to change the way we play these games.

Here's my Idea:

Start your third and fourth string in the first half. the second string plays the third quarter. Your first and second unit play the fourth quarter.

Before you laugh and flame me with the negetives...here are the positives (all assuming the other teams don't do the same):

1. The new blood will be able to play against the first teams... it they can prove them selves there they can make it in the NFL. however you must be a little more forgiving with mistakes they make.

2. The starters would play against less quality. While this might lead to a false since of confidence, it would also show any glaring problems that you have. If you can't move the ball against third stringers...well it might be time for more fundamentals...

3. The chance of injury would possibly go down...but I doubt it.

Um, if one team found a benefit to doing this, then all teams would do this, and it would defeat the purpose of your change suggestions...because every team would be playing their scrubs in the 1st quarter, backups in the 2nd quarter, starters in the 4th quarter, etc...

As well as, wouldn't it be better to find "glaring weaknesses" by having your starters going up against other starters?...If scrubs will reveal your team's glaring weaknesses then starters will shine a freakin' high beam spotlight on them, as well as show you the lesser flaws of your team...you don't want to ONLY see the glaring weaknesses, do you?...

The "new blood" won't be playing with other "new blood" should they make the team...they'll be playing alongside established starters...so wouldn't it be more valuable to insert a few new players in with the starters during preseason to get a feel as to how they'd do, instead of having those few scrubs who may otherwise play well lost in the barage of having the entire 4th string squad's ass kicked by the other team's starters?...lol :)

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Um, if one team found a benefit to doing this, then all teams would do this, and it would defeat the purpose of your change suggestions...because every team would be playing their scrubs in the 1st quarter, backups in the 2nd quarter, starters in the 4th quarter, etc...

I bet the NFL would love the revenue that would gain because then the fans would stick around and watch all the way through to the fourth quarter.

so even if the other teams did that it would make the game more watchable. higher ratings mean higher ad revenues means more money to Teams and happier players...Just another positive you stumbled upon...nice work.

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This would never work...you DO NOT want opposing team's scrubs coming after your star players. The only way is to have the head coaches agree as they often do, to play starters until a certain point of the game...against each other.

Please tell me why not...is it fear?

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What is this all about? Why do they even play these games? Some answers are:

To fine tune the o and d strategies.

To give some of the new blood a chance to make the team.

To get real world game time experience to both starters and backups.

..sorry if I missed any.

Money. you forgot money.

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If Clinton would not have been hurt we would not be in this thread right now.:applause:

This one or the 50 others just like it :(

funny I thought this thread was different then the other threads about clinton's injury.....point me to the thread where I should have posted this original idea which really has nothing to do with clinton portis.

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