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Greatest Moment in Redskins History


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The Quarter was longer than a moment. If I'd go with a play it would be John Riggins run vs. Miami and if I'd go with a quarter it would be the 35 point quarter, however the most important moment of Redskins history was the original hiring of Joe Gibbs. We may not have known it at the time, but it gave a springboard to all of these moments.

So I'm going with .....................the original hiring of JOE GIBBS.

J.G.'s hiring. Both times. :)

Yeah, I agree - my pick is the initial hiring of Joe Gibbs. I voted "Other." We (well especially I, since I was a toddler :)) had no idea at the time, of course, but the moment he was hired in the first place was really a monumental one for the franchise. If we're talking about moments when we knew right then that it was a great moment, I think it's a tie between the Riggins Super Bowl run (first SB title) and the 2004 Return of Gibbs. On few days have I felt such euphoria as I felt upon the Return of Gibbs. Well, of course I felt a great euphoria after the Darrell Green punt return TD vs the Bears and the second Brunell to Moss TD to beat the cowboys last September, but for me those come just after the first Gibbs hiring and the Riggins run for the "greatest moment."

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Oh, one more thing...I'm sure you all remember that we had a chance at the playoffs towards the end of the Schottenheimer season. Imagine if the Redskins had somehow recovered from the 0-5 start that year to make the playoffs and win the Super Bowl - the Arrington INT for TD vs the Cardinals (that turned the season around) would definitely have become one of the greatest and most legendary plays for the Redskins. I mean, it would have been the one play that took us from winless to the Super Bowl. I can only imagine the total hero status that Arrington would have been granted at that point.

I wish the Art Monk record-setting reception was getting more votes...I guess it would be getting more votes if it had happened on a more consequential play, not on a short pass late in a Monday Night game where the Redskins were already up big. If he had somehow managed to break the record while scoring a TD to give the Redskins a 4th qtr lead, I think more people would be considering it for "greatest moment."

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Oh, one more thing...I'm sure you all remember that we had a chance at the playoffs towards the end of the Schottenheimer season. Imagine if the Redskins had somehow recovered from the 0-5 start that year to make the playoffs and win the Super Bowl - the Arrington INT for TD vs the Cardinals (that turned the season around) would definitely have become one of the greatest and most legendary plays for the Redskins.

That WAS a great play, but iut happened against the Panthers...I'm sure that's what you menat to say.

Alot people bash Marty but I give him major props for keeping the team together that season and getting us to 8-8.

I agree about Monk...I brought that up earlier and I agree with you about the situation in which he broke it. Most people had gone to bed around the country with the Skins up 34-3

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That WAS a great play, but iut happened against the Panthers...I'm sure that's what you menat to say.

Sorry, I guess it's past my bedtime. :(

I think I actually made some weird mental leap from CARolina to CARdinals.

Ugh. I'm going to bed.

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Funny story on the Arrington INT against Carolina....We were disgusted the entire game and we decided to leave...My brother had to go to the can so we all stopped and waited for him so we were watching the game on the TV...People were walking around cussing and just pissed...right at that moment Arrington intercepted the ball and was going to score the crowd ROARED...I yelled REDSKINS JUST SCORED...EVERYONE in there came running out zipping up their fly's and were like "WHAT HOW" we ran back to our seats and finished the game.

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I have allways wondered this...when you watch the replay just after Riggo breaks the tackle...you hear a "diesel horn"...is that something they added to the highlight reel or did someone in the stadium have a horn?

??????????????????? This is the mystery of my child hood ????????????????

I'm not sure who had the horn or if it was just added to the tape. Maybe someone in the stands had it. I know someone in RFK had a diesel horn. Maybe it was the same person. That play gives me goose bumps everytime I watch it.

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Funny story on the Arrington INT against Carolina....We were disgusted the entire game and we decided to leave...My brother had to go to the can so we all stopped and waited for him so we were watching the game on the TV...People were walking around cussing and just pissed...right at that moment Arrington intercepted the ball and was going to score the crowd ROARED...I yelled REDSKINS JUST SCORED...EVERYONE in there came running out zipping up their fly's and were like "WHAT HOW" we ran back to our seats and finished the game.

I always wondered about that...when the Skins are getting beat pretty bad...how the fans at Fed Ex react and express themselves. I've been to about 25 games or so away from FedEx...Arizona, L.A. and when the Skins lose I jsut run to my car as fast as I can and try to put the game behind me. I don't beat anyone up though or pee on myself...lol

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