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Training Camp 2006 - Gibbs Kicks off Camp at Ease


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Gibbs Kicks off Camp at Ease

by John S. Pappas - 07/30/06

Washington Redskins’ Coach Joe Gibbs seems more relaxed these days.

At Sunday’s press conference to open Redskins’ Training Camp for 2006 the coach seemed to be a calmer, more sedate man. Gone was the nervous cackle that accompanied past press conferences. Gone was the discomfort and apologetic tone that used to pervade his voice when answering questions about the offense and the team.

Last season’s success of the Redskins and the addition of Associate Head Coach Al Saunders to run the offense appear to have done wonders for a man who has described himself in the past as “worried.”

“I feel much more comfortable then I did the first year,” Gibbs said, “We can build a lot on that. Last year was a tough year. In the middle of the year we were in real trouble and then we turned it around and won six games at the end. We saw leadership with the team. You have a real good feeling about what kind of individuals you have on the team. We are going to lean on them. The coaching staff is going to help them be the best they can be, but certainly for us, sink or swim with your players. I feel good about this group and we love working with them. The off-season is the single best indicator of anything we will do.”

In speaking of the addition of Associate Head Coach Al Saunders Gibbs said; “The more I thought about it the more I became convinced (adding Coach Saunders) would be best for the team. It helps me to focus on some things that I probably need to be spending more time with.” “Is it going to be different for me?” asked Gibbs rhetorically, “Yea, it will be different.”

“I think we share a lot in common,” Gibbs said, referring to the similar coaching philosophies and terminology he and Saunders learned from former San Diego Charger Head Coach Don Coryell.

When asked what his role in the new offense is, Gibbs answered; “Al’s directing everything over there, I’ve been at the meetings.”

Gibbs said that Saunders went through last season’s playbook to begin and the goal now is to merge the two offenses. “Knowing that we know the same terminology, believe in a lot of the same things, (the question is) how can we mold it together and maybe take another step up,” he said.

That is not to say that the coach does not still fret about the team and the season approaching. Within the first five minutes of his press conference Gibbs pointed out the toughness of the division, bemoaned the timing and strength of the schedule the first few weeks, and reminded everyone that last year’s record buys the team nothing this year.

Still, while Gibbs cautioned about injuries and unexpected events that can work to derail a season, he appeared optimistic. The team he said appears to be healthy and he expects everyone to be present for the first practice tomorrow.

He spoke highly of the free agents and draft picks the team has added as well as key additions to the coaching staff. In particular he spoke highly of former defensive coordinator Jerry Gray, who will coach the cornerbacks under Assistant Head Coach Defense Greg Williams.

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Nice job JJ. It's pretty easy to see how much you're having with this.

I think Gibbs is visibly calmer because his plan is coming together, and he's getting back in the groove. As long as he was away from the game, it's realistic to believe it would take him a couple of years to get back into his comfort zone. He was getting more comfortable last year, but he still struggled with the offense at times, and that was probably very hard for him, and took him away from focusing on the big picture. The roster is now loaded with Gibbs type players, and Saunders was the final piece of the puzzle. Gibbs has got his groove back, and these next few seasons are going to be very special.


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Nice job JJ. It's pretty easy to see how much you're having with this.

I think Gibbs is visibly calmer because his plan is coming together, and he's getting back in the groove. As long as he was away from the game, it's realistic to believe it would take him a couple of years to get back into his comfort zone. He was getting more comfortable last year, but he still struggled with the offense at times, and that was probably very hard for him, and took him away from focusing on the big picture. The roster is now loaded with Gibbs type players, and Saunders was the final piece of the puzzle. Gibbs has got his groove back, and these next few seasons are going to be very special.


You know GSF, I think you've hit it right on the head.

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Jimmjo, hopefully i speak for everyone here. But for the next two weeks you will be my best friend. Keep the updates coming, my man. I'm just sorry i won't be able to make it to camp this year. :(

Thanks so much. However, I am but one of a task force dedicated to this effort and you will be seeing reports later this afternoon from some of the other folks that will be there.

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