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How do you think [The Cowboys will do this year]?


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The truth hurts.

You stated that "Newman SUCKS ASS" because he's not covering #1 WR's full time. Then you recanted and said he was good, but not great. Then you said he was great at covering #2 WR's. Then when 2006 Pro Football Prospectus comes out and shows that Newman covered #1 WR's at the league average, you seem to ignore that fact completely.

Yes, on several occasions in the game. Again, I watched and charted the game. You didn't.

Ignorant is a better adjective to describe your posts.


I admit when I said he sucks ass I said it because I was tired of Cowboys fans sweating him so much. I didnt ignore the fact that PFP stated that Newman covered #1s in the league. But did they also show on how many occasions he was one on one and how many occasions he had help? Did it also show why is was he not covering the #1 receiver when NOT in a Nickel package and the receiver was on the left side, the side which Newman supposedly is supposed to cover?

Again, I dont care what you have 'watched and charted'. You're a Cowboys fan and you're obviously biased.

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These Cowboy fans have a closer relationship w/ some of the Skins fans then I previously thought.

I guess they lost they debate. :dallasuck

Thats what happens when a mentally challenged 37 year old Cowboys fan has lost an argument. He resorts to stupid "yo mama" insults.

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Well if you wanna play the 'what if' game then we can do that. If Patrick Surtain doesnt drop that EASY INT that fell into his hands after Dan Campbell tipped the ball(in the red zone), Surtain would've easily scored(Roy Williams easily) and the Chiefs would've won that game. If the Giants werent playing a rookie at a crucial moment at the 1-yard line, then the Giants would've won that game.

Stop bsing everyone here. We can easily play the 'what if' game the other way too. :rolleyes:

the Cambell tip was in the Denver game IIRC, and there is no "what if" on a great defensive play like causing a fumble.

A kick unless blocked is solely on the kicker to hit or miss. All the other plays you described involved other factors such as defenders forcing fumbles

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Whats pathetic is a douche bag like you doesnt understand how getting 2 TDs off of flea flickers boosts up your stats and makes your season look more impressive than it is.

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What a stupid response. What does the past 10 years have anything to do with who is the better team NOW? I am going to capitalize this because you seem a bit slow and retarded: ALMOST ALL THE STARTERS FROM LAST YEAR OF BOTH THE REDSKINS AND COWBOYS ARE RETURNING THIS YEAR. IN THE FINAL GAME OF LAST YEAR, WE WHOOPED THAT ARSE 35-7. THAT MEANS THAT WE HAVE PROVED *ON THE FIELD* THAT WE ARE THE BETTER TEAM.

More rule breaking

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Too bad I haven't seen your mom's face. Kind of hard when she's bent over in front of me calling me Daddy.

No need to resort to the same rule breaking. Calm down and let them break all the rules they want, Cowboys fans on the other hand should not

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Its the first day of training camp. If you guys can't find anything better to do than create extra work for us while we're trying to bring you camp news, we can give you something else to do with your time?

In other words, knock off the crap. Discuss football intelligently, or don't discuss it.

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