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Rock Cartwright listed as FB


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His a HB

Kinda like a FB but more catching then blocks and running

Dude where have you been? First off, there is no Hybrid-Back in the offense anymore, 2nd almost all TEs in the NFL these days are really Hybrid Backs.

3rd off, Chris himself said he was a Tightend last year and NOT a Hybrid back and he is a Tightend this year.


edit: My real point though man is that they have moved Lumsden up to 3rd RB on the depth chart, that bodes well for him. He is a monster on Kick off returns too.

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I wouldn't be surprised if Rock doesn't make the team and is given a chance to fly coop to go try and earn an immediate backup role elsewhere. I just can't see him making it as a FB whatsoever, and I know a lot of people won't like this but I don't think he's talented enough to be on this team nor does he really have a role to contribute in a way better than others can.... I truly think that both Nemo and J. Lumsden have a much better shot at making the team and you can only keep so many RBs. SORRY, but it's true!

Great guy though and if i'm right I wish him the best.

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chill man.. Rock has the character that the coaches want 4 players to be on the team. He is a madman on special teams which is the pinnacle of what makes him so valuable. It is known he can step in @ tailback and since you all say he was originally a FB, then I'm sure that position is not new to him. Rock is going 2 be fine. I've heard with my own ears Rock LOVEEES playing for the Washington Redskins and prefers to remain in the Burgundy & Gold..

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We're going to keep Portis and Betts, three tight ends, at least 5 wr's. Sellers is a lock to make the team at FB. That leaves Rock, White, Nemo, Lumsden and others vying for probably 2 spots. Somebody we like is going to get cut. The last guy to make the team will likely be inactive except in case of injury because Gregg Williams usually has most of the defensive players in the game plan each week and wants them all active.

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chill man.. Rock has the character that the coaches want 4 players to be on the team. He is a madman on special teams which is the pinnacle of what makes him so valuable. It is known he can step in @ tailback and since you all say he was originally a FB, then I'm sure that position is not new to him. Rock is going 2 be fine. I've heard with my own ears Rock LOVEEES playing for the Washington Redskins and prefers to remain in the Burgundy & Gold..
That's a good thing, because with CP, LB, and Rock we really are stacked. The rest can fight for a #3spot and hopefully play in a few years, and hopefully be patient like LB and RC have gratefully been willing to do. :applause: :applause:
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Rock will be on the team unless he is traded, but I just can't see that happening. How often do you find a STeams guy like him with productive games at both FB and HB. He was drafted as a FB you know...

I really hope Manuel White is doing well, as much as I like Nemo he really isn't a FB at all, We very well may keep 6 backs maybe I dunno, I am just glad to see that Lumsden is living up to the potential (so far anyway) that is obvious from his rookie CFL year last season, the skins did sign him to a 2 year contract worth a couple million I think.

Since Manny white was our draft pick, can we keep him on the practice squad protected? Especially since he was hurt all last year. I would be really dissapointed if that broken leg he had just pushed him so far back that we would have to let him go, I was one of the ones who was happy we drafted a stud like Manny white and not a DT/DE tweener like canty.

Guess we'll see how it works out.:fingersx:

edit: Remember even though Lumsden is huge he is real fast and a hell of a kick returner, I think he led the CFL in kick returns last year in his rookie campaign.

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I wouldn't be surprised if Rock doesn't make the team and is given a chance to fly coop to go try and earn an immediate backup role elsewhere. I just can't see him making it as a FB whatsoever, and I know a lot of people won't like this but I don't think he's talented enough to be on this team nor does he really have a role to contribute in a way better than others can.... I truly think that both Nemo and J. Lumsden have a much better shot at making the team and you can only keep so many RBs. SORRY, but it's true!

Great guy though and if i'm right I wish him the best.

and what makes you think this?

not talented enough to be on the team? are you serious?

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Manual White could be put on the practice squad, but he is no in way protected.

Man he's gonna be snatched up in a millisecond if we send him down there... Nemo would have a better chance of sticking around.

Again... all of this talent at RB just has me suspicious of a possible trade. I mean look around the league, how many teams have this many decent 2 elite prospects at their camp?

I mean at the very least Kerry Carter and Lumsden could be #2 backs on many NFL teams. Lumsden could probably start on 4-5 of them, maybe more he was highly sought after his production in the CFL.

From the SNews War Room:

SCOUTING REPORT: FB Manuel White faces a daunting task, but he has the ability to meet the challenge. White was drafted in 2005 to be an H-back and short-yardage back. He was making progress through training camp when he suffered a broken leg that landed him on injured reserve for the season. Now, White must learn to play fullback and shake off the rust of a year of inactivity. Competition for backfield spots is fierce. White does have size and speed on his size (sic). He can be a solid special teams player. But he must prove he can fill a role in the offense, at least as a credible backup, if he is to make the team at all.

Manny was a FB all throughout his UCLA days so I don't know what they are talking about "learning" up there, but still they have hope that he will make it.

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Joe Gibbs approach has always been to bring in more than one guy for the job and make the best guy earn the job. - Neither of these guys would probably last an entire year on the PS. - say like when something happens like what happened in Green Bay last year.

..same situation for Montgomery and Golston - probably only one of them will make the team.

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i donl;t know but is sure is nice to wonder, that means things are going to be super competitive . . .and that's better for everyone. There is still pre-season and a trade is possible based on pre-season perfomances.

Portis, Betts, Rock and Sellars are locks they are too cheap and too valuable to let go . . . there will be 2 slots left for Lumsden, Nemo and White . . . and we've only seen Nemo in some NFL action. It will be interesting.

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I wouldn't be surprised if Rock doesn't make the team and is given a chance to fly coop to go try and earn an immediate backup role elsewhere. I just can't see him making it as a FB whatsoever, and I know a lot of people won't like this but I don't think he's talented enough to be on this team nor does he really have a role to contribute in a way better than others can.... I truly think that both Nemo and J. Lumsden have a much better shot at making the team and you can only keep so many RBs. SORRY, but it's true!

Great guy though and if i'm right I wish him the best.

rock is better than nemo. just is. way more experience. plus, hes a great team player and is great on special teams. no way he gets cut.

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..same situation for Montgomery and Golston - probably only one of them will make the team.

No way, Golston and Montgomery could make the team over guys like Cedric Killings and Ryan Boschetti if they went through training camp with one hand tied behind their back.

Even GW said that "There will be DTs who were good enough to make the team last year who won't make the cut this year"

Montgomery was a 5th round draft pick he'll make the team. Golston has the athleticism, elite strength and speed of a 1st round draft pick he just was in a really really bad car accident at Georgia that screwed him up for a couple years, and then got in that "fight" right before the draft.

Just like Khary Campbell has no shot of making the team over a guy like Rocky, or even Kevin Simon. Khary is a tough cookie, but it is amazing he has lasted in the NFL this long he just isn't an NFL caliber athlete at all.:2cents:

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Many of us have heard Rock say he wants to be here.

Or, should I say, the last time we talked, he wanted to be here.

Since we are not........not anything.......anymore......I can no longer say what he wants.


:( :writing:

Rock makes the team, he is too good not too. Plus he can play FB or RB really pretty well just like Manny White, plus Rock is like... a super skin.


As far as one spot for Manny white and Lumsden, there is no way in heck Lumsden is getting cut, especially if he is already listed as the 3rd RB - he has real probowl level talent - its just a matter of putting it all together, plus he is a demon on kick-off returns (something ARE doesn't like or expect to do).

So really its between Manny and Nemo, Manny is a much better athlete and more accomplished FB in the mold of Sellers. Nemo still is more of a RB but not really fast enough, I think Nemo goes to the squad because either of the other 2 would be snatched off of it right away, Nemo we could hide for one more year.

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