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Just in case you missed it indyskinsfan.


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I admit I had the one post about all of the cheazy quotes on here, but other than that I have talked football, and not just we're gonna beat you. Next time you start runnin your mouth, bring your reading glasses to the table with you.

What's up your a$$ indyskinsfan?? Your an idiot bro, how is me talking about how we are gonna key on the run, and still pass defend not football talk. You tell me what it is. I'm talking about schemes and stuff, and how your fans hopes for a certain advantage, that won't be there, and you go all high and mighty on me, about how you only talk football in here, what the bleep do you think I was talking about?

You need to stop worrying about who's talking football, who's being self-righteous, AND INVEST IN HOOKED ON PHONICS!! bkuz obviously your dumba$$ didn't even bother to read my post. Get a life, and get off yor pedastool and come back to earth MR. perfect.

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You are real brilliant indyskinsfan, here's a quote from your intellegent perfect mind.

"Now another thing, if Dallas was so "manhandled", why o' why were they a shoestring away from tying the game or jumping back in.The Eagles kicker saved their *** !"

Are you kidding me, this is your almighty knowledge of football, we win 36-3, and we won bkuz our kicker saved our azz? You are just so smart, how does an intellect like you not have a coaching job in the NFL right now. If you saw those tackles by Akers, he was not the last line of defense in both cases, the returner of Dallas was dancing back and forth, and not going downfield when he was tackled by Akers on both plays, there were a bunch of other Eagles rushing at him when Akers made those tackles, which shows how much of an all-around team we have. Lets say they score on those 2 plays, they still get their a$$es beat. Man you really need to stay away from the assumptions when reading articles, and not seeing the game.

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By the way, it is only around midnight where I live, so your high and mighty, forgive me if I'm staying up a little late. And as for your getting your panties twisted about non-football posts, didn't I just read a post about you talking about Eagles fans being aggressive on this MB. That's not football, thats talkin about a MB on the computer. So what, your saying that you all only talk football on here.

Heres another of your classic quotes:

"We'll be watching you, even after this one, since you have,"glorified, magnified" your defense. It is a good one, but as much as it may be your strength, it can be your weakness. Your #2's throughout your team are not there yet and two keys gone, means your doors stay locked."

What??? You don't know nothing about our #2s, if you did you'd know we have one of the deepest teams in the NFL, just bkuz you don't know their names, and they aren't stars, doesn't mean they aren't good, it means they are BACKUPS. Across the O-line we are very deep, same with our D-line, LBs, DBs, RBs, even WRs although most are young but talented, basically you know nothing of our #2s. But if you did, you'd know that alot of our #2s could matchup with alot of your so-called #1s. But you don't know, so stick to what you do know which is being high and mighty.

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Another dumb statement was you asking "If the eagles lost McNabb, where would they be?" I expect that from crackhead Cowgirls, but not your highness. So your saying we're weak and have no depth do to if McNabb goes down, that we're screwed. Of course we're screwed, so would Indy if Manning went down, and GB if Favre goes down, and San Fran if Garcia goes down, and even the Rams would be in a little less but still in trouble if Warner went down. That's a very weak argument indy, I'm disappointed in you.

The fact that you are prooud of Graham stepping in and getting the win is sad, yes he is a veteran and has a good knowledge of the game, BUT IT WAS AGAINST THE BRONCOS DEFENSE. Their defense has gotten alot of interceptions lately, but other than that, they have given up way too many yards & points every week, they are a very weak defensive team. But you knew that already didn't you your highness. You talked about how deep your team is, and you used this graham story as an example, ooooohhh, what depth the Redskins have. And to see that banks had trouble with that same defense, shows you that you better be worried that Banks is playing in this game, you should wish you had Graham in there. You see, we'd be screwed if McNabb went down, but our backup has been in the system for 4 years now, and knows it better than McNabb, and although he doesn't have the physical tools, he can play good enough to get some production. it doesn't matter if banks or Graham is in there, either way your team sucks, and will still live and die on Davis. And the way he gets injured the lately (last years), thats a concern with all the work hes gettin, he will break down in the second half of season and there where do you go?

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And now that I have broken down your higness's supposed perfect knowledge, and the fact that your football-only talk is broken by your idiotic hypocritocal self, I will now retire for the night. Wake up indyskinsfan, you are not high and mighty, and you do not know enough about football to act that way. So come back down to earth, the game this Sunday will be a good one, but I am confident the Eagles will win. Don't cry bkuz I said that either, what do you expect, of course I'm gonna come over here to this MB and say, "The eagles are gonna win." But if you would've read some of my posts and their football talk, before you opened your mouth, you would've kept some dignity and integrity. Ooopps, you're a Deadskins fan, I guess that was already out the door. Have a nice day, and I'll be back after the game on Sunday, to have a friendly talk about the game, so wipe the chip off your shoulder bro, and get a life.

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One more thing, as you shoud know, even though your team is getting better, the Deadskins still rank at the bottom in most categories. So here you go to keep you grounded.


Offense: Total - 30, Run - 15, Pass - 30

Defense: Total - 25, Run - 23, Pass - 18

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See the glaring difference between the Eagles & Crackskins:

Eagles:We give up some rushing, and don't have enough yards yet for our passing attack, but our WRs are young and still learning. They will get better, and we will become more complete.

Offense: Total - 15, Run - 8, Pass - 23

Defense: Total - 6, Run - 17, Pass - 2

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I cant wait when the redskins take the division!

playoff picture looks like this!division winners (redskins,bears,rams)wildcards(niners,saints,vikings)

rams,bears draw a bye!redskins(10-6)will play vikings(10-6)and win 31-7.(at home)

saints will play niners and niners will win 34-26.

redskins at bears and we win 24-17.

niners at rams and rams win 47-27

redskins at rams and an excellent game but we come up short in the championship 27-24!

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It's not really NBTD's fault here guys. He's preoccupied with the motion he put forth at the last Britney Spears Fan Club meeting he knows so well. He kept hammering away at his desire to attach Britney's song, "Oops, I did it again," as the Eagles official theme song for the next time they go to the Super Bowl and lose. No matter how long the wait, he was shot down by the rest of the masturbatory adolescents in the club because they felt that song was better saved for Minnesota. But, you have to understand his frustration in wanting to bring together the two childish things he most recognizes, Britney, and losing.


Doom is in the box.

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Too bad anybody responded in this thread. NBTD's stuff has a symetry, a poetry if you will that defies embellishment.

I recommend deleting our stuff (it doesn't stack up to his own self immolation), and locking it in the form it was created - pure, pristine, a soliloquy.

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Perhaps we should be nice and give them their own thread, a type of virtual rubber room, complete with mittens and football helmet, so that they won't hurt themselves all the time.

I imagine these posters to be kids, probably around 13. If they turn out to be adults, I'll be the first to call the county to deliver "assistance"

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Wow, I admit it was one of the worst posts I made, but as usual, this, kid made more inconsistancies out of what I stated or the points I made. Fact is young man or woman, whatever you prefer, I haven't the time to jump up and down the board looking for a post you made somewhere else or otherwise, and my responses are showing that you indeed jack off quite a bit smile.gif

For five fu**in hours child, you made love to yourself. That's my point, YOU don't have a life, freak.

Should have the handle "hairy hands".

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