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why we will win the NFC East and maybe the NFC


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....and maybe the superbowl.

2 simple words.

offensive line

In all the talk of the free agent acquisitions of not only the redskins but other teams (i.e. the media's obsession with the new Cowboy, T.O. who apparently turned them into the best team in the league??? :doh: and the new Giant, Lavar Arrington who they believe turned the Giant defense into a powerhouse???:doh: ) they have all overlooked offensive line. In power rankings and such, the media talking heads are neglectiong the fact that a good, strong, deep offensive line is one of the most pivotol parts of a team. they protect the quarterback on pass plays and open the holes on run plays. look at the great Gibbs teams with the hogs. the offensive line was amazing and the main reason for all the sucess (I cant speak too much about this because I am only 18 and have only read about them and seen highlight videos, but they were pretty dirty from what Ive seen). If you look around the league, offensive line is always one of the most important keys to sucess. The reason the Chiefs offense is so good is due to the O line and Al Saunders system. Pittsburgh won the Superbowl with a solid defense and a great, tough offensive line. The Patriots have always had a solid veteran line in their superbowl run, and the list goes on.

I feel that the main reason for our success last year that we haven't had in the past is because our offensive line has gotten better and last year finally started to gel as a unit. Our offensive line is, in my opinion (hopefully not being a homer), much better than any other team in the NFC East. I feel that they will be the key this year in whether we end up 8-8 or 13-3, or anywhere in between. Samuels and Jansen are proven tackles, both Pro Bowl caliber when healthy. Randy Thomas proved to be one of the best guards in the league last year, and Rabach proved to be a more than formidable center, and with this his second year controlling the O line, he should be even better as a field general. The one question is Dockery, who at times is great and other times not so great. He has the size and physicality to be excellent. As a whole though, the O line is great and only improving. The "Dirtbags" will lead us to success this year and hopefully to a superbowl victory. That is what will put us over the top, so that Brunell can get the ball to Moss, Cooley, Randle El, Lloyd, and so that Portis can do what we all saw him do towards the end of last year

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I think that the key to the offensive line this year is to stay healthy. If we have any major injuries, we could be in real trouble. Last year, we had good backups in raymer and brown. This year, they are both gone, and our backups are virtually unknown(2nd year players that we drafted).

The cowboys showed us last year that even one injury on the line can destroy a season. they went from 7-2 to not making the playoffs. There are probably only two areas on our team in which an injury will hurt us badly; O-line and Quarterback. Lets just hope for an injury free year. :point2sky

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It's not like the Giants' offensive line is a piece of doggie poo poo. Another year together, more chemistry, another solid backup. Some very good depth for the Giants line.

Let me just say that I don't think the Giants o line is a piece of doggie poo poo, although Im sure our defense will make them look it at times this year :laugh: . every team in the NFC east has an at least average O line, but I feel the skins is better than any other team's. Tiki racked up a lot of yards last year and he is a very good player, but lets face it you guys had a pretty weak schedule that included a lot of subpar defenses (although we made him look like a stud in the first game) which made your O line look better than it really was.

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I agree that the OL is what makes for success or failure of the offense. While I think our starting unit is quite good I hope they stay healthy and/or the backups prove to be more capable than last seasons group.

Last season we had to resort to using Mark's ability to roll-out to buy time for Santana to get open and that meant the playing field was cut down to only the left half. We have improved WRs; but to get production from them all will require Mark to stay in the pocket so that the entire field is in play.

If our OL can give Mark time to pass without having to roll-out we should be teriffic.

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The o-line has been together now for 3 years, thats about the time any unit really comes together. The backups have also been around for about two years and should easily fill in. There are alot of pieces coming together for this team this year, especially

the amount of the return veterans.

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I agree with you. I'm also a Nebraska U fan and when they dominated college football in the mid 90s, there was no secret to their success. Everyone knew they loved to run, but nobody could stop them because they had the best O line in the country.

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Another trademark of the Hogs era were solid backups who new the system and could come in without missing a beat. I'm not saying our 2nd stringers were all pro's, but they new their positions well and didn't make mistakes. I attribute this mostly to coaching and talent evaluation. As long as we have Bugel running the OL, I think we will continue an upward trend until we are a top 5 Oline year in and year out.....


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