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How Many Full Squad Minicamps Are We Having?


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I know we have a full squad minicamp in mid June after OTAs. Will we have a second full squad minicamp before the start of training camp?

I ask because the Eagles have already had a full squad camp right after the draft, and they have a second in early June.

They also start training camp on July 23, so I hope that's when we start as well rather then letting them get ahead.

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Does anyone know how our OTA attendance was? I am very interested in knowing how dedicated and motivated our old and new team members are.

When you read about guys like TO and how he did not attend the Cowboy activities, it really makes you question why the hell he even plays the game. Does he really think that he can just pick up the game where he left off. He is on a new team, with a new system and new team mates that are probably already leary of him due to his legacy. That guy has balls. Ill give him that.

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June 16th to 18th

Rosenhouse was on ESPN News yesterday and stated that TO was in camp and was taking in the playbook as we speak. He kept using the word WE like he was part of the Dallass Cowpies himself. Love to put him in a uniform and knock his freakin head off.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 4 months later...
We have one the week of June 16.

Are any of the days open to the public?


edit: I just saw the dates of the original post. Woops.

This year the minicamp is June 15-17, does anyone know if any of those days are open to the public.

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