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A Question for all the Gatorskins:

Glenn X

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Off the top of my head, I can think of two pretty bad ones...that's not saying we didn't get a few more butt kickings here or there, but these were simply brutal.

His worst SEC defeat came in his first year against Tennessee, which was 45-3 trouncing, and I do mean trouncing. The only other real beatdown I can recall that was on the level of Monday night (obviously we've established the butt whooping aginst the Huskers) was the 1999 SEC Championship game against Alabama. I think the offense had like 130 yards of total offense. It was awful.

This link can show you all the game scores of Florida Football. Just start at 1990 and go through 2001 and you'll see all the HBC's scores.


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I was actually at that 1990 UF/UT game. The score was 7-3 at halftime. UT returned the 2nd half kickoff for a TD and never looked back.

I was also at the 1999 SEC championship game. It was easily the worst performance by a Spurrier-coached team that I have ever witnessed. Alabama won 34-7, but the score was 15-7 at the beginning of the 4th quarter. A few minutes into the 4th, Freddie Milons scored on a reverse and Alabama returned a pick for a TD on the Gators next drive. The team gave up. This is the only Gator game that I have ever left early. If the team wants to quit, I might as well quit too. Jessie Palmer threw 4 picks that night. and was 7 for 20.

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one thing many over look is fsu, miami, tenn and many other schools can recruit and sign kids that the gators cannot because of grades. travis henry for one and there are a zillion others, even when they want to be gators over other schools. can you imagine if the redskins could not pick players in the draft because of their grades but the other teams could? and most of these guys are unreal athletes. that is so unfair but hardly anyone, mainly the press, brings that up. that makes his percentage even more unreal plus that he played the grueling sec schedule.

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Originally posted by RiggoDrill

Where does Spurrier stand in terms of NCAA division 1 winning percentages?

If you include his years at Duke, he's is (was) fifth on the list of active coaches. If you just look at his record at Florida, he's second on the list. Surprisingly, Fulmer is first, although he has 5 less years of head coach experience.

If you just look at the Florida years, he's 10th on the all-time Div 1 (with 10+years of exp.) list behind:










Of Florida's 25 losses under Spurrier, 23 were against teams that won 9 or more games that season. 19 losses were to teams that won at least 10 games. Not too shabby.

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Originally posted by zepgator

one thing many over look is fsu, miami, tenn and many other schools can recruit and sign kids that the gators cannot because of grades. travis henry for one and there are a zillion others, even when they want to be gators over other schools. can you imagine if the redskins could not pick players in the draft because of their grades but the other teams could? and most of these guys are unreal athletes. that is so unfair but hardly anyone, mainly the press, brings that up. that makes his percentage even more unreal plus that he played the grueling sec schedule.

I deal with it with Maryland Basketball. It freaking sucks man!!

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Originally posted by zepgator

one thing many over look is fsu, miami, tenn and many other schools can recruit and sign kids that the gators cannot because of grades. travis henry for one and there are a zillion others, even when they want to be gators over other schools. can you imagine if the redskins could not pick players in the draft because of their grades but the other teams could? and most of these guys are unreal athletes. that is so unfair but hardly anyone, mainly the press, brings that up. that makes his percentage even more unreal plus that he played the grueling sec schedule.

Miami is the worse of the bunch because they are a private university and not a state school so they don't have to follow the same academic requirements as the other state universities. It really puts UF at a disadvantage and is one of the many things SOS was unhappy with that he couldn't change.

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Haven't been over here in about 3 weeks until tonight...and low and behold...a post about me....did I miss many?

To my knowledge SOS never lost 2 games in a row except for early early in his career to Syracuse and UT I believe.

From what I can see the Skins problem is with the defense. you can't average giving up 30 plus points in two games and expect to be better than 1-1. This game meant a lot more to the eagles. A loss and they 2 back.

Nice to see I was correct about all my gator skins predictions.

I said they would all make the team, but Anthony and that gillespie who ASF laughed about when I compared his style to Dunn...made the practice squad as a non drafted player.

SOS will have this team heading in the right direction as he hates losing more than anyone on this board. That being said, this defense might be the worst in the NFL from what I have seen.

Expect to J. Green to get a lot more PT in the weeks coming. Apparently he was having a hard time remembering the offense when he first came to town. By his return on Monday, you can see his speed and moves are still there. Chris Doering will also get a lot more PT is what I am being told.

Also, when your best players (champ and Lavar) have turnovers and STUPID penalties I don't know how you can entirely blame the coach.

Lastly, last time I saw SOS say he was going to spend more time looking at what the defense was doing during practice, the DC was fired at the end of the week ...that was ROn ZOok.

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No offense my brother, but, weren't you the guy screaming at others for doubting Wuerffel, saying we'd all see in a month just how right you were? If I'm not mistaken, you were one who said mocking Wuerffel was the most un-intelligent posts on this board. I still am rooting for him to be successful, but, it sure isn't favoring you right at present if you're the guy I'm thinking about.

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Originally posted by jkam


Was Zook fired during or after the season as DC? What's the story behinf that? Thanks for any info.

He was never fired, rather he was demoted to special teams coach. Then he did so well at that, after Bob Pruitt (the defensive coordinator that came in when Zook was demoted) left to go to Marshall U, Zook was given the reins and promoted to D coordinator again. However, he never coached another down as the D coordinator, because he left to go coach special teams for the Steelers, and officaly began is NFL career.

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Thanks for the info, folks. As I generally don't follow the college game all that closely, I guess I had a slightly inflated and unrealistic view of Spurrier, assuming that he always won by large margins and never lost by more than a few points. I suppose it's comforting for me to know that he's had his head handed to him a few times in his career and has demonstrated the ability to rebound quite well from it.

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