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WP: Cowboys' Jones Says Owners Will Find a Way


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Cowboys' Jones Says Owners Will Find a Way

By Mark Maske

Washington Post Staff Writer

Tuesday, March 7, 2006; 1:54 PM

GRAPEVINE, Tex. -- Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said today he believes that NFL team owners will find a way to reach a consensus and resolve the league's labor dispute during a meeting scheduled to begin here later this afternoon.

please refrain from posting full-text articles - thanks - Tarhog

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uh-huh... lemme see the rooneys of the nfl backing off first

Rooney's cool and is a league pioneer. It's the Bidwells and Browns you have to worry about. Rooney is one of the few onwers in the league who will readily put his own interests behind those of the league as a whole.

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As much are I hate to say it Jones is good at negotiating deals, He was one of the owners to push for TV deals early and bring Fox into the fold.

Yea we hate the Cowboys and make fun of Jones but he knows whats best for the league and carries some respect..

OK I gotta go brush my teeth now, saying that left a bad taste in my mouth.

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Jerry Jones was on ESPN giving an interview. From it, he sounds like he really doesn't like this deal, but it also sounds like he might be saying screw it and going forth. I did notice he was mentioning other teams needing be "more prudent" and that all aspects are going to be analyzed. Jerry Jones is talking like he wants a big raise in the cap minimum to make other teams actually work for their money. It sounds like there could be a counter offer also.

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