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Goodbye to the NFL Draft in 2008?


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check out this link. It says that if the CBA isnt extended, the NFL Draft wouldnt occur in 2008. Its says that college players oculd come out of college and become free agents right away with no salary limitations. However, it also says there could be a strike.

Scroll down to see the news about the 2008 NFl draft.



What are the long-term ramifications for the league?

Barring a new CBA, the players either will be on strike or the owners will lock out the players in 2008. The union likely will decertify, and antitrust rules will apply. Also, the NFL draft will go away in 2008 as part of a clause inserted into the current CBA. Players coming out of college could be free agents, with no salary restrictions. Open negotiations, including those for rookies coming out of college, will leave it to the players to get what they can get.

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hmm interesting. Nice read Bhutanibeast. That'd be great for you Redskins fans. The Redskins can just pick up the players they want, without having to wait in line. In this case, I hope the CBA is passed.

Why is everyone so damn jealous of this team? Why is it they can't just admire a team with an owner who will do everything in his power to get the best players he can??

I just thumb my nose and say nanee nanee boo boo. Don't you wish you were like us?? I am sorry if my dad has more money than your dad. You just have to swallow it and get over it people. As long as your club is worth a billion dollars, you get what you want. If your jealous just admit it and be done with it.

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Why is everyone so damn jealous of this team? Why is it they can't just admire a team with an owner who will do everything in his power to get the best players he can??

I just thumb my nose and say nanee nanee boo boo. Don't you wish you were like us?? I am sorry if my dad has more money than your dad. You just have to swallow it and get over it people. As long as your club is worth a billion dollars, you get what you want. If your jealous just admit it and be done with it.

Cowboys fans will be swallowing something next year. And yes..., they are all jealous of our owner's limitless cash crop dedicated to winning. Maybe if the other team's owners would spend money to build good teams (instead of sitting way under the cap mooching) their fans could enjoy the idea of a future open only to possibilty.

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