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end of season CBS Power Rankings


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16? These guys need to take the pipe out of their mouths and open their eyes. 16 means a middle of the road, 8 and 8 team. last I checked we were better than that. The Dolphins being ranked ahead of the Skins has to be the worst. Wasn't Gus their quarterback for most of the year??? What a bunch of idiots. 16 my #%$.

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One has to wonder how a team we swept in '05, Philly, and a team we beat in the playoffs, Tampa, got ranked ahead of us. It is also an interesting question how NY got in front of us, considering how we beat them Chirstmas Eve and got further in the playoffs than them.

Well, at least they ranked us ahead of Dallas.

You played Tampa Bay. That playoff game was a joke and it showed how weak the NFC was this year by the fact that two teams who are that incompetent on offense could actually make the playoffs. The Giants played like a joke too in their playoff game, but at least they faced a team that belonged in the playoffs. You beat the Giants on Christmas Eve, but I believe that they also played another game with a different result, perhaps you remember the score.

These power rankings are so wrong it's not even funny. The Dolphins have no reason to be in the top 10. The Redskins, however heading into next season should be a middle of the pack team. They have a lot of question marks regarding the cap issues, Mark Brunell only getting older, Lavar Arrington, and whether or not Santana Moss can string together two successful consecutive and most importantly injury free years for the first time in his career.

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You played Tampa Bay. That playoff game was a joke and it showed how weak the NFC was this year by the fact that two teams who are that incompetent on offense could actually make the playoffs. The Giants played like a joke too in their playoff game, but at least they faced a team that belonged in the playoffs. You beat the Giants on Christmas Eve, but I believe that they also played another game with a different result, perhaps you remember the score.

What? Our playoff game was a joke? It featured two of best defenses in the NFL! Maybe you forgot to factor that into your post before you typed such nonsense about the lack of offense. Then you go on to say that Tampa did not belong in the playoffs which is also curious. Which team deserved it more and on what basis?

Edit: Not only that but it seems that you are a NYG fan...and you have the audacity to mention incompetence on offense in the playoffs?

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You played Tampa Bay. That playoff game was a joke and it showed how weak the NFC was this year by the fact that two teams who are that incompetent on offense could actually make the playoffs. The Giants played like a joke too in their playoff game, but at least they faced a team that belonged in the playoffs. You beat the Giants on Christmas Eve, but I believe that they also played another game with a different result, perhaps you remember the score.

These power rankings are so wrong it's not even funny. The Dolphins have no reason to be in the top 10. The Redskins, however heading into next season should be a middle of the pack team. They have a lot of question marks regarding the cap issues, Mark Brunell only getting older, Lavar Arrington, and whether or not Santana Moss can string together two successful consecutive and most importantly injury free years for the first time in his career.

Hey moron...last I checked the Redskins were 11th in total offense so let's not get overly stupid. It is a little hard to do well on offense missing a #2 and #3 receiver.

Don't be mad because the Giants couldn't make it by the first round, just cry quietly in the corner and let the adults finish having a conversation you $$$$ baby.

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CBS needs to get their facts straight. I don't agree with Dalphins being up there along with the Giants.

Giants are a little over rated from 2005 because they had 9 home games. That might have changed the fact that skins could have been NFC East champs?

I do think skins will be a good team next year. I see our offense making a huge step forward and proving the bias CBS reporters wrong once again.

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I think CBS was one of the outlets that had us in the bottom 4 of the NFL coming into last season - what more could you expect?

Yea, CBS and Sports Illustrated had us going 2-14 and 4-12. Funny how everybody inside of D.C knew we were gonna make the playoffs. I personally thought we would go to the second round of the playoffs but get beat up there by a high seed. Luckily i was right, and luckily i was wrong:D

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Let's see, "talent issues" can't be overcome by "spending money on assistants" but "but Nick Saban and his quality staff have this team headed in the right direction" despite their "talent issues" at quarterback?

And why would anyone automatically assume that "the Eagles will bounce back"?

It wont end there, Drew Brees will hit the market and i garuantee Drew Brees will sign with Miami, Their a team on the rise with great coaching and their location is awesome. Fan base sucks but the location is awesome.

But how can we be at 16???

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Meaningless. CBS is consistently wrong. To have the Egals and the G'aints ranked higher than the Skins is a joke!

The Skins will be the powerhouse of the NFC-East in 2006. Tiki had a very good season. One very good versus (how many years has he been in the league?) a number of simply good seasons. He'll be his slightly above average self in 2006. Sheli will continue to be the choke artist that all Manning's are expected to be.

As to the Egals .. who will Donnie have to throw to? Will they continue to have a below average ground game? (I say "yes"). Yep .. the Philthy Egals have had their day in the sun.

As to the 'Girls .. we own them!

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It wont end there, Drew Brees will hit the market and i garuantee Drew Brees will sign with Miami, Their a team on the rise with great coaching and their location is awesome. Fan base sucks but the location is awesome.

But how can we be at 16???

What leads you to believe that Brees will recover fully from the torn labrum on his throwing shoulder? Why would Miami take such a large risk on a guy who may or may not recover?

Of course it is a possibility but for you to guarantee that he will go to Miami seems like you may be going a tad bit overboard unless you have some inside info.

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What leads you to believe that Brees will recover fully from the torn labrum on his throwing shoulder? Why would Miami take such a large risk on a guy who may or may not recover?

Of course it is a possibility but for you to guarantee that he will go to Miami seems like you may be going a tad bit overboard unless you have some inside info.

Woody Paige told me with his "Inside Information"

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You beat the Giants on Christmas Eve, but I believe that they also played another game with a different result, perhaps you remember the score.

All I have to say is ...first round in the playoffs Giants at home........New York Giants-0 ..Carolina Panthers- 23:gaintsuck :D :laugh: :laugh: ,Washington on the road....Redskins-17..Tampa-10..Washington advances in the playoffs nuff said!!!!don't be bitter..

Oh by the way.. STFU!!!

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Meaningless. CBS is consistently wrong. To have the Egals and the G'aints ranked higher than the Skins is a joke!

The Skins will be the powerhouse of the NFC-East in 2006. Tiki had a very good season. One very good versus (how many years has he been in the league?) a number of simply good seasons. He'll be his slightly above average self in 2006. Sheli will continue to be the choke artist that all Manning's are expected to be.

As to the Egals .. who will Donnie have to throw to? Will they continue to have a below average ground game? (I say "yes"). Yep .. the Philthy Egals have had their day in the sun.

As to the 'Girls .. we own them!

I wish I could quote all of the stupid things said by you guys, but I chose only this one. First off you talk about Tiki having having a number of simply good years, yet you forget to mention that for many of those years he was getting the lesser amount of carries between him and Ron Dayne despite him being 3x better than Dayne as shown in his YPC, Receptions and basically everything else. Let's not ignore the fact that Tiki Barber is one of the three best RB's in football, something Portis cannot say.

Why is it a joke to have the Giants rated in front of the Redskins? The Giants did win the division, they have a lot more potential, and they probably won't have to play 20 rookies this year :laugh: :laugh: :D :applause:

Also I hate the Egirls as much as the next guy, but when you talk about a lack of receivers you must be forgetting their first three trips to the NFC Championship when McChoke was throwing to a washed up Antonio Freeman, James Trash, Todd Stinkston. They never had any receivers before and they don't now, however Greg Lewis did show a tremendous amount of progress so it is not far fetched to see Mcnabb back to his old ways of choking in big games.

I like how you also can call Eli a choke artist based on one game, totally ignoring all the games in the regular season like the Denver game to name one. It's Pretty Funny.

The only way the Redskins will be the powerhouse of the NFC East for years to come is if there is an uncapped year in 2007, otherwise it might be tough when you guys are suiting up 20 rookies :laugh: :logo: :anon:

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You played Tampa Bay. That playoff game was a joke and it showed how weak the NFC was this year by the fact that two teams who are that incompetent on offense could actually make the playoffs. The Giants played like a joke too in their playoff game, but at least they faced a team that belonged in the playoffs. You beat the Giants on Christmas Eve, but I believe that they also played another game with a different result, perhaps you remember the score.

Regarding our regular season mathups, I'll take a week 15 win over an early season win any day.

Regarding the playoffs, please don't be bitter that we made the elite eight and you didn't. Defense matter too you know. Oh, and Tampa was seeded higher than Carolina if I remember right.

Speaking about inept offenses, at least ours was able to score in the playoffs.

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