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Free Agent WR's Ranked


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i think san fran will likely match on lloyd. although they do have a lot of free agents to worry about

Don't forget that we have Snyder signing the checks here. He likes to dangle a huge signing bonus in the competitions face, usually a figure the other team is afraid of. He can then spread it out over 5 or 6 years.

Brandon Lloyd is the way to go, bar none!

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Still no one is mentioning Antonio Bryant. He played in two horrible offenses but has the freakish athletic ability to be the perfect compliment to Moss.

agreed. He is young and proved this season he can be a #1 or #2 reciver. Anytime you have over 1000 yds recieving with Carlie Frye and Trent Dilfer at QB, and you play for the Browns, I dont care if you are a former cowboy, you deserve a chance on a good team.

I would take either Koren Robinson b/c of his size, kick and punt return skills, and hands. Or Antonio Bryant b/c of his size, possession and talent.

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Also, everyone says the Skins need size. But if you look at the Chiefs (where the brand new offensive coordinator coached last year) none of their receivers had "size." Also the Rams have a pretty successful offense without a "big" receiver.

The Chiefs "possession receiver" was Tony Gonzalez, who is 6-5, 250.

Now, Cooley is pretty big, too (6'3), but he is not the kind of player who can be a main receiving option. At least he hasn't yet proven that he can be. If Cooley can be the same type of player as a Tony Gonzalez, then you're right, we don't need a big second receiver. I'm not sure that that is a realistic appraisal of Cooley's physical talents, however.

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how far has freddie fallen? he is being asked toplay in the areana league ?? and to play defense, no less, as well. boy did he ever get his comeuppence

Far be it for me to defend Freddie Mitchell, but pretty much everyone who plays in the Arena League plays both ways. I think two of the players on each side of the ball are allowed to be one way specialists, and that's it. And one of those is the QB.

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I love Randle El, but he's too similar to Moss and Patten. We need size. Of these, I'd probably go with Givens.

I agree we need a guy with size, but not that much size. I think Randle El is the best choice (aside Reggie Wayne who probably won't leave Indy) because if we have three fast, explosive recievers, the secondary is going to worry about covering deep which leaves Clinton Portis with 5-6 guys in the box. He can easily get past that for a big play. If we get Randle El, expect Portis to have a huge year.

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