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PI call please?


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That was a bull crap no call. I almost flipped my TV over!! he wasn't even looking at the damn ball and had his hands all over Moss. Bull Crap. It's their fault anyway. It should have never come down too this. We had three early turnovers and did nothing with the ball on offense!! I'm happy we had a good run, but to do nothing on offense for 3 quarters hurts too watch. I'm soooo pissed right now. I need to walk this off.....

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Where was the pass interference call on the last play? Boulware was all over Moss. Those mother :censored: refs.

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Wasn't a PI. There might have been a tiny amount of contact, but nothing that is going to draw a flag in the final minute of a playoff game. Refs let the players play, as they should have.

No excuses, Seatle outplayed us. We have a great D, but we're going to need help on offense if we're going to go deep in the playoffs next year.

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it was a clean play, so people need to stop saying thats why we lost

That's not why we lost but if you think that was a clean play, you're nuts. Same with the supposed "offensive interference" on Jimmy Farris that looked a hell of a lot more like defensive interference on Loofa. The refs basically wussed out and allowed blatent holding the entire game. That gave the advantage to Seattle.

It was a game of missed opportunities by the Skins more than anything. Gibbs not challenging the spot when Darrell Jackson CLEARLY did not have the first down (was touched just barely beyond the 35 but ball was marked beyond the 36 on a 3rd down play that would have forced a punt) on the Seascums first TD drive should be considered one. The missed FG was another. Not converting turnovers into TD's was a crime. More than anything it was the conservative play calling during the first 2/12 quarters.

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