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A prayer


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Lord, make me a channel of thy game plan,

that where there is football, I may bring touchdown;

that where there is defense, I may bring the pass rush;

that where there is down, I may bring distance;

that where there is referee error, I may bring truth;

that where there Seahawks fans, I may bring faith;

that where there are Redskins, I may bring Seahawk victory;

that where there are goal post shadows, I may bring feild goal;

that where there is playoffs, I may bring joy.

Lord, grant that I may seek to score rather to be scored upon;

to defend, than to be defended;

to block, than to be blocked.

For it is by touchdown scoring that one finds playoff victory.

It is by winning that one is a winner.

It is by beating the Redskins that one awakens to playoff Life.


Hello. Welcome to Seattle. Our first matchup was a close one. I tip

my hat to your team and their faithful. We too have been on a

role, until Holmgren gave Farve his parting gift. That first

matchup was not an acurate showcase of our offense because we

had not hit stride yet. We conceed the victory, but this time the

game is in Seattle and our starters are rested and all healed up.

Alexander the Great is the world's leading rusher. There is no way

that your defense can stop him and if you come at us out of the

box Hasselback and his rythem offense will pick you apart. I

expect your offense to do better against us than your last game

against Tampa. Lofa Tatupu has emerged as a run stopping force.

We rarely allow 100+ yards rushing. I expect Saturday to be no

different. We had 50 quarterback stuffs. So, if you hope to beat us,

you had best pray Brunell has one of those stupendous games old

guys sometimes have. To be honest, it does look pretty bad for

you. As you can plainly see, even God favors the 'Hawks.

Seahawks 42

Redskins 17

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Seahawks trolls are a silly bunch, aren't they?

Not as backward as Tampa trolls.

Not as classless as Philly trolls.

Not as front-running & fair-weather as Dallas trolls.

Not as angry as Giants trolls.

Not as ghetto as Raiders trolls.

Just plain silly.

Have you seen the stuff on this board today? There are some really dorky, lame attempts at smack talk, the likes of which I have never seen. Saying Seattle is the 2nd fittest city? Turning the prayer of St. Francis into trash talking? Crying about poking fun at team names?

What's wrong with these people?

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How come your running back is so skinny? Is that why he didn't win the rushing title? You see Alexander the Great prays every time he scores.(we all know that is a record amount) Thank you iheartskins.

If we played your lame schedule Portis would have had 2000 yards and 30 Td's and if you had played our schedule you wouldn't have made the playoffs. Go pray on that.

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