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Dan Snyder


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Hello, this is my first post. I think this website is awesome.

I have a question about Dan Snyder. Why is everyone so down on him? I think Dan is the man. I mean how old is he? Like late thirties and he owns the BEST sports team in the us if not the world. He made the redskins one of the highest revenue teams. He sold his biz for 2.1 billion dollars right before the economy went into the crapper. Then he buys his favorite team. This guy is living my dream. He gets to play fanasty football for real. You can't beat that. His life is hanging with SOS and ML, going to ALL the skins games, and making money.

And about all of his bad personnel moves. Deon Sanders has to be the worst but really what has that cost him. Some cap room but after this year nothing. There is also Marty S. The Dan convienced him to take the job after MS said on national tv that he would never work for Mr. Snyder. Then MS gets rid of Deon which IMO was worth the 2.1 million Snyder still has to pay MS. Dan saves 2.1 million in salary getting rid of Deon. Norv turner had to go. It was time. He fired the guy before the end of the season but who in their right mind thinks Norv was going to do better in the final three games? Besides SOS was the person Dan wanted for HC and who does he have for HC now? Dan wanted ML for DC and who does he have? Dan convienced Trotter to come to DC. He signs Daryll Gardener. What Danny wants, danny gets.

My whole point is that I think Dan Snyder is great. I think he wants to put the best most exciting team he can out on the field for the fans in DC. I also think that alll the people who critize him are just jealous. Besides maybe if I kiss a little a$$ then I can be moved up on the waiting list.:D

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Originally posted by codeorama

I've been here a month and I haven't heard anyone here bash Snyder. I look at it this way, he brought us the HBC, so he has to be ok.

What he said. The Daniel had a rough start but is proving himself to me.

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We've discussed this topic on the board several times before. The board is squarely pro-dan. Let's put it this way. In general, people who know about the Dan are pro-dan. Anti-dan sentiments usually come from faux-fans and out of town fans of other teams who get to hear media drivel from writers who also dont know anything about Dan.

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My apologies...

I didn't mean to suggest anyone on this board is anti-dan. I just assumed everyone here was pro-dan.

I guess my question is... why is the media and other fans so anti-dan? One guy called him a menace to western civilization. I know the guy was kidding but why don't people like him? Is it like SOS, people dislike the successful? I mean what is up?

sorry if this has been talked about too much but I think Snyder should get some mad props about where the skins are now.

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Thanks for the thread. Not that it matters to The Dan because he is making his money and everyone else is just wishing to be him. It is like SOS. SOS is making 5 mill a year. I can't call someone who is making 5 mill a year to coach football a loser. Let me just say Those who can, do. Those who can't, write about it.

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I'm 90% pro Dan. I have no doubt he will bring another SN to DC. I disagree with him on some things but so what? Compared to Milquetoast John Cooke, the guy is 1000x better.

The media hates him because he did what they only dream of doing: he bought the team he loves.

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Can't stand him. I mean, what's there to like about him. He's a selfmade gozilloinare, with a hot wife, owns the greatest football teams of all time, and will do what it takes to bring it back to it's glory days no matter what the cost.:doh: Can't see why any selfrespecting Skins fan would even think of liking him:rolleyes:

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I'm anti-Dan.

I'm anti-moron. You want proof we have a moron who owns this club?

2000 draft - we had 14 draft picks 3 in the 1st rounders and couple of seconds. -- What did we get in that draft? Two players are contributers from that draft Lavar and Samuels (#2 and #3 overall -- blue chip can't miss guess)

Plus we had TONS of cap space.. -- He put us in CAP HELL for 2 years and then everyone blames marty for doing what needed to be done for the future of this ball club. -- Do they blame danny? Nooooo its marty's fault.

Why do you think Mendez left in the first place? Not to retire.. but because of Danny. I'm glad he is back because those bozos in the FO have no business making personell decisions.


What about making Norv 4 hours in the basement of FedEx and never showing up?

How about how he treated Brian Mitchell? (a LIFELONG Redskin)

How about his attack on people who park at Landover MAll and walk to FedEx.

Danny is a SOB -- Yes he got us SS, but that doesn't make up for past indiscression

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2000 draft - we had 14 draft picks 3 in the 1st rounders and couple of seconds. -- What did we get in that draft? Two players are contributers from that draft Lavar and Samuels (#2 and #3 overall -- blue chip can't miss guess)

Really? Can't miss? Why don't you tell me which players were selected #1 and #4 then? I won't even mention Thomas Jones being taken at #7 overall.

Plus we had TONS of cap space.. -- He put us in CAP HELL for 2 years and then everyone blames marty for doing what needed to be done for the future of this ball club. -- Do they blame danny? Nooooo its marty's fault.

You are obviously uniformed both about what took place, and public sentiment concerning Marty.

Why do you think Mendez left in the first place? Not to retire.. but because of Danny. I'm glad he is back because those bozos in the FO have no business making personell decisions.

Oh yeah, he must HATE danny, so he comes right back to the team. THAT makes sense.

What about making Norv 4 hours in the basement of FedEx and never showing up?

I loved that, actually.

How about how he treated Brian Mitchell? (a LIFELONG Redskin)

Didn't like that.

How about his attack on people who park at Landover MAll and walk to FedEx.


Danny is a SOB -- Yes he got us SS, but that doesn't make up for past indiscression

Again, what transgressions? This is just a silly post.

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My opinion of Snyder is luke-warm. I didn't like the way he handled the Marty situation, I blame Snyder, not Marty for Jeff George and I didn't like the way it was handled. That being said, Dan was probably 100% right to go after Spurrier, so I have to tip my cap to him on that. Basically I'll have a much more definite opinion of Snyder when I see what happens re: Jansen and in the future the other young studs on the team. I think his heart is in the right place, I just don't know where his ego is all the time.

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Originally posted by Dexter's Better

I'm anti-Dan.

I'm anti-moron. You want proof we have a moron who owns this club?

2000 draft - we had 14 draft picks 3 in the 1st rounders and couple of seconds. -- What did we get in that draft? Two players are contributers from that draft Lavar and Samuels (#2 and #3 overall -- blue chip can't miss guess)

Plus we had TONS of cap space.. -- He put us in CAP HELL for 2 years and then everyone blames marty for doing what needed to be done for the future of this ball club. -- Do they blame danny? Nooooo its marty's fault.

Why do you think Mendez left in the first place? Not to retire.. but because of Danny. I'm glad he is back because those bozos in the FO have no business making personell decisions.


What about making Norv 4 hours in the basement of FedEx and never showing up?

How about how he treated Brian Mitchell? (a LIFELONG Redskin)

How about his attack on people who park at Landover MAll and walk to FedEx.

Danny is a SOB -- Yes he got us SS, but that doesn't make up for past indiscression

well as i was about post, i noticed TCO pretty much said everything i was about to say... as far as everything under the -----, i think it's unfair to criticize him for that... B. Mitchell did get a raw deal, but how many times does this kind of sh!t happen and we don't hear about it? Snyder is HATED by the media so he is scrutinized with EVERYTHING he does... it's unfair and it's wrong... but that's the way it is... to say he's a moron is completely unjust...

and where did u get 14 draft picks? i count 8 (2-1st, 1-3rd, 1-4th, 1-5th, 1-6th, 2-7th's)... and we also picked up Cowsette that year in the 7th round... that's a damn good pick considering he'll make the team as a solid back-up this year... i believe we also picked up Derrius Thompson as an undrafted free agent that year... that's not too bad if ya ask me...

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About the 2000 draft- You mean he got us a star linebacker and a star left tackle. sounds good to me. But the thing is Dan should NOT get credit for the 2000 draft. That was Casserly's doing. Casserly franchised Sean Gilbert to get Carolina's first and then traded with the Saints for Ricky to get theirs. But 2 stars out of one drafts is good. Alot of blue chip can't miss prospects suck. Heath Shuler and Ryan leaf come to mind.

The cap is his fault but he was just trying to get the best players for his team. I would be surprised to find out that Snyder did not ask Norv if he should get this guy or that guy. That is what you are paying them for. It is like with the last draft. I could believe that Dan wanted ramsey but do you think he would pay someone 5 mill, who is supposed to be an offensive genius and a great qb coach, that he would not ask him if he should get this guy? That doesn't make any sense and you don't make billions without some kind of sense.

About making Norv wait 4 hrs- Is he the first boss to make his employee work overtime bc of a royal screw up? How much was Norv making at that time?

i don't think anyone blames marty for the cap hell. I actually think that is the second best thing marty did for us. Getting rid of Deion was number one. BTW, the third was leaving.

Why is Mendez back then? I believe Danny is still the owner.

The way he let Brian go to the Eagles was terrible and so was bringing in Deion, who is probably symbolizes what skins fans dislike so much about the cowgirls. But hey alls well that ends well.

His attack on people who park at landover mall and walk to fed ex field? He attacked people? Did he break out a can of whoop a$$?

All I am saying is, that people hate him until they meet with him and then boom they are coaching the team, just like marty. Snyder meets with Trotter and then he signs. Skins come out of no where to land SOS. ML says he wants to go back to Baltimore but Dan gets him. He throws money at people to get what he wants. Is that bad? Or would you rather have him lining his own pockets instead of improving the team, like the owner of the bengals?

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Mendez was a Salary Capologist before he left. Now he is VP of football operations. (promotion)

2000 draft were sitting pretty, positioned to do wonderful in that draft. And DANNY's GUY (Vinnie the Rat) picked nothing but losers who aren't on this team anymore.

Tell me Coutrney Brown is a waste.... He has been injured but he is better than anyone on our DL. As for Warrick, he's in Cinci.. that is purgatory for any NFL player. (Have fun Westbrook)

What about Danny being in Gaints Stadium when Mitchell fumbled the punt return? Then get got ridiculed all the way out of the stadium (with his skins gear on). He got here and could not wait take out his repressed feelings from that day on mitchell. Mitchell was a leader of this team for nearly 10 years and Danny kicked him out like a junky theif.

Telling someone to wait in their office until you come (over 4 hours only to never show up) is not management its being a petty little f***.

-- Lets talk about how we are going to be "winners". He have had a total of 3 winning seasons in the past 10 years. Danny has been associated with exactly 1 of those. Whooohoo wwaaaay to go Danny.

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Originally posted by Dexter's Better

Mendez was a Salary Capologist before he left. Now he is VP of football operations. (promotion)

2000 draft were sitting pretty, positioned to do wonderful in that draft. And DANNY's GUY (Vinnie the Rat) picked nothing but losers who aren't on this team anymore.

Tell me Coutrney Brown is a waste.... He has been injured but he is better than anyone on our DL. As for Warrick, he's in Cinci.. that is purgatory for any NFL player. (Have fun Westbrook)

What about Danny being in Gaints Stadium when Mitchell fumbled the punt return? Then get got ridiculed all the way out of the stadium (with his skins gear on). He got here and could not wait take out his repressed feelings from that day on mitchell. Mitchell was a leader of this team for nearly 10 years and Danny kicked him out like a junky theif.

Telling someone to wait in their office until you come (over 4 hours only to never show up) is not management its being a petty little f***.

-- Lets talk about how we are going to be "winners". He have had a total of 3 winning seasons in the past 10 years. Danny has been associated with exactly 1 of those. Whooohoo wwaaaay to go Danny.

drafting LaVar Arrington ALONE would have made the draft successful... then adding Chris Samuels, possibly the best OT in the NFL... the draft was a success IMO...

what has Courtney Brown done in the NFL? he's been average... nothing great, yet not a bust... but he went 1st overall and those are high expectations, ones he has NOT lived up to... and why bring up Brown anyway? he went before the Skins even picked... but if he didn't, would u take him over Arrington or Samuels? you're crazy if u do...

i agreed Dan made a mistake with B. Mitchell... but it's over with, let it go...

and as far as winning seasons, he's been in the league for 3 years... GIVE ME A BREAK! at least u can say he has more winning seasons (1) than losing (0)... give the man some credit...

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Originally posted by Yomar

My opinion of Snyder is luke-warm. I didn't like the way he handled the Marty situation, I blame Snyder, not Marty for Jeff George and I didn't like the way it was handled. That being said, Dan was probably 100% right to go after Spurrier, so I have to tip my cap to him on that. Basically I'll have a much more definite opinion of Snyder when I see what happens re: Jansen and in the future the other young studs on the team. I think his heart is in the right place, I just don't know where his ego is all the time.

What he said.
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Courtney Brown is better than anyone we have on our DL? Have you heard of Bruce Smith? Bruce is going to be in the HALL OF FAME and even if he has lost a step he is still awesome. Dan did get rid of Brian but he did keep Green. Do you think Mitchell or Green was more of a leader on this team?

About the draft- About half the first rounders don't pan out so 2 out of 3 aint bad.

Danny has only been the owner for 3 years so what does the last ten years have to do with him?

Besides he looks like a nerd. He is short, he wears glasses. I am just in awe. Of course, I never said this.;)

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I am glad Snyder is the owner of the Redskins b/c he's willing to spend whatever it takes to make the team better and b/c he seems to have an uncanny knack of making players and coaches want to come to DC (and not just with money, a la Gardener). And I think canning Marty after 1 year for Spurrier was a bold and unbelievably important move.

But, I still don't think I'd like the guy if I met him. I think it's not very classy to do things like refer to Marty as a 1960's football coach in a public interview when you've already fired the guy, even though I pretty much hate Marty, and agree with the sentiment.

And, I do have some concerns with his meddling in free agent and draft-day decision-making too much. I think he's learned some already and hopefully he'll find the right mix of being involved but not demanding things if the more expert people in the organization don't agree.

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