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Sendoff/ Welcome Home for Team - Seattle UPDATED WITH NEW INFO.


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I am thawing out from the experience. This was my first outing and I will definitely be back for more. The wife and I braved the cold and I got my Gameday jersey signed by Gibbs and Joe S.....both class acts! My wife now has a crush on Joe Gibbs b/c she thought he was very handsome...LOL. Anyway, thanks for posting the info. Can't wait until next season!

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Very cold and a very strong wind! My face, hands and feet are starting to unfreeze.

Joe Gibbs told us he had another flight to catch and he wanted to make sure he got there to thank us. Amazing!

Joe Salave'a was telling us that they are "going to do it right next season".

Neither of them were dressed for the weather but they made sure they were there for every one of the fans out there. Absolutely great.

Go Skins!!!

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Sorry! That's my arm in the second one. I really was trying to stay out of the way! Even worse, I can't see anything at all in the picture I took.

No worries! That was the last one I was able to take since my camera froze. I just finished thawing it out and was able to upload the pictures!:laugh:

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Gibbs is just a class act all the way around. He had another plane to catch but heard the fans were waiting in the cold and took a limo over to the park to say thanks and sign autographs. Never even went into the park. He came solely to greet the fans. He told us we were the greatest fans in football and he loved us and it was the least he could do. Then he went right back to the airport.

Big Joe Salavea stopped his car on the way out and signed everything for everyone there in a sports jacket. I know he was cold. He said we're on the right track and we were going to do it right next year because of Coach Gibbs. Thanks Joe S. for taking the time.

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Back home to Baltimore ... Wow.. as everyone mentioned.. Joe Gibbs came and thanked everyone.. he had to go back to airport to get another plane, but he still came out to thank US... and we were there to Thank HIM.. and then he did sign autographs. Geesh.

Didn't get a lot of pics. Very cold. Very windy My gloves weren't handling the camera too well. A few attached.

Joe Salavea.. wow. He stopped.. and went down the line too.. and he said they'd do it right next year.

Didn't get to see many people.. was all bundled up.. but did give Huly Gibbs' dog treats....

The road to SuperBowl XLI will go through Washington next year!

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Wow, I've been home for about a half an hour and I'm still frozen. Standing out at Redskins Park... It's easily one of the coldest nights I've ever felt living in this area my entire life. Gibbs and Salave'a were absolutely amazing. They've probably been up close to 24 hours and the weather was... insane.

Salave'a pulling over as he was leaving, getting out of his car and staying for as long as he did. What an amazing human being. Anyway, was great to see so many out there.

Even worse, I was about ready to lose it parking. I was driving a Volvo, and was praying the parking area was frozen. Well, one of the guys handling parking motioned me right into a huge mud pit. I was stuck for a good two minutes before I managed to get out. Then as I was getting in the car to leave, a Loudon County Sheriff had gotten stuck about twenty feet from my car. I was scared to death getting out of there, but somehow managed.

Like everyone else, I was just too frozen to get many pics. My gloves were too thick to handle the camera, so I went without... When I got in the car, my hands were a very not good color. Anyway, here's my contribution:







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great pics everyone. I am still exhausted from last night but I had a great time.

As both Gibbs and Salavea came by I told them "Thank you from extremeskins" They both said thank you for being there and that it meant a lot to them.

Gibbs the dog did go but spent 99% of the time in the car. I only let him out for 5 minutes tops and he was in a blanket. I was not going to bring him but when he saw me in my jersey he refused to go to his kennel. He sat on my steps waiting to go.

It was great meeting everyone and we had a great year! HTTR

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My goodness was it freezing cold! And windy...two portajohns got knocked over by the wind alone! Luckily, no one was inside...

Kind of dissapointed that only Salave'a came out and signed autographs. I know it was cold and all, but we were out there for them. And since there were only about 50 folks out there, it wouldn't have taken them long to move down the line.

Anyway, Gibbs came out and handed out autographs to all who wanted them, as did Salave'a (I got him to sign the sports page of last week's Post), who is now my favorite Redskin for doing that - even though he probably just drew the short straw. ;)

Good to see all those folks out there, braving the elements.

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