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Friendly reminder


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as the big game draws closer tempers and trolling are on the rise. If you want to be here to brag after the game, please follow these simple rules:

5. Please be respectful of your fellow members. Every registered member agrees, upon registration, not use these forums to post material or topics which are knowingly false, defamatory, deceptive, inaccurate, racist, insulting, abusive, inflammatory, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually graphic, physically threatening, invasive of another's privacy or otherwise in violation of any law, including stalking or otherwise harassing individual members.

Personal attacks or threats will not be tolerated. Go after the idea, not the poster. Free debate within the parameters outlined herein is welcome on these forums, and diversity of opinion lies at the heart of a good debate. Toward that end, every member is free to have their own opinion so long as it is expressed in a civil manner, is within the subject matter topic of the forum and does not otherwise violate forum rules.

12. No trolling. Do not post messages that are inflammatory and serve solely to incite fellow members. ExtremeSkins has always prided itself on its zero tolerance policy for the common internet troublemaker. Trolls will be identified and censured, at the discretion of the ES Staff, quickly and efficiently.

this is not only for other teams fans, but also our regular members.

If you have to resort to name calling, then you've lost the debate... and probably lost your privilege to post for a few days


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I thought Dallas week was troll week, good lawddd these giant fans came out like gnats. Then get there feelings hurt because we stand behind our team on our redskins board.

If our board hurts there feelings that much, how are they going to take the beating the Redskins are about to lay on there gurly team. I bet many jump off a bridge, geesh!!!! :gaintsuck

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If you have to resort to name calling, then you've lost the debate... and probably lost your privilege to post for a few days


Ok.... But they are soooo irritating..


Oooohhh. Is that Cooley as my Avatar.. Sweeet....

What time is it???

Peanut Butter, Cooley Time,

Peanut Butter, Cooley Time,

Peanut Butter, Cooley Time,

Peanut Butter, Cooley Time.

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