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This is the game that will Change everything!


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The stakes are high and I believe this game can send us into two very different paths depending on the outcome.

If we lose- I see us going on the path that we have taken so many years before. The path of mediocrity and another 8-8 or worse season. The game versus the Giants and Eagles is practically meaningless - other than to beat our division rivals. We go into the offseason with heavy minds, burdened down by the "what if" and "how did we lose that one". It will be the typical offseason for the skins that we have come to know so well.

If we win- I see us charged to beat NY, which we do in style. Then we go to Philly and crush them, securing our spot in the playoff (Probally a wildcard spot because NY will beat Oakland and the Vikings or Falcons will lose a game or two). We are 10-6 and have made the playoffs for the first time since '99. We as fans are pumped, and the whole mental state of the skins has become filled with "we can do this". As far as the playoffs, I think we do well, but Im not going as far as predicting them until we make em.

So there we have it. SO much is riding on this game. This game can make or break our season as a whole - and also our offseason and next season. We can do this. EVERYONE SHOUT, WE WANT DALLAS!!!. HTTR



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I do agree that IF we win this game, i see us winning from here on out. But obviously if we lose today, the season is basically over.

I'm not going to make excuses, but i would feel better about today if i knew our secondary was healthier.

Then again, with this rivalry, all bets are off anyway.



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I do agree that IF we win this game, i see us winning from here on out. But obviously if we lose today, the season is basically over.

I'm not going to make excuses, but i would feel better about today if i knew our secondary was healthier.

Then again, with this rivalry, all bets are off anyway.



hopefully, despite the injuries, the skins are pumped because this is a rivalry game and we have so much at stake. Plus this is at Fedex, our home turf. :dallasuck

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This is the one game, out of all the games in the year, that I want THE most.

I say that too...but I also said the same thing in week 2. I wanted that one soo bad...especially with the retirement ceremony at halftime. This is soo big though...I *need* this one!

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I say that too...but I also said the same thing in week 2. I wanted that one soo bad...especially with the retirement ceremony at halftime. This is soo big though...I *need* this one!

I wanted the week 2 game badly too, but this even more so, since it is so late in the season and SO MUCH rides on it- for both teams. This game is huge and I want it really badly. :dallasuck:dallasuck:dallasuck:dallasuck

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Bit of an over-reaction.

I aggree that a win would be a huge boost to this team, but a loss will not mean doom and gloom to anyone but the fans. Not to say the players and coaches would not be upset but they are tough enough to get over it.

Let's face facts. This year has been a huge improvement for this team but it is not "our year". I think we all know that. We are getting close however, and the players know it. We just need a few more pieces to complete the puzzle. I pray that we make the playoffs but at some point we will lose a game that will end this season for us and when that time comes, even if it is this game, I'm confident the team will set it's sights on next year with renewed hope and resolve.

Oh yeah.... :dallasuck :D

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