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The Skins need a miracle to win


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After the Giants game the Redskins have not been the same. They laid down and went to sleep that game and they have been trying to give away games ever since. It's late in the fourth and the Skins running backs are getting killed and nobody is helping them to their feet. That is just terrible. Where is the team spirit ? Is there no fight left in this group ? The team is playing not to lose when it should be playing to win. The only thing that is going to turn this team around this year is divine intervention and it has to happen now ! They are like the tinman, they are looking for a heart. As fans, the only thing that we can do is channel our emotions down to the field. The collective will of 90k people will let the Cowgirls know just how much we hate them but it might also light a fire under our players rearends. Something is going to happen this game and it's going to turn our season around. We deserve to sweep the girls this year. Joe Gibbs is to good a man and the football gods know it. So to all of you overpaid, premadonna, me, me, Redskins - your fans will forgive Tampa , the Chargers and Oakland if you don't fall apart on us this game. I wish that I could crack you in the ass with a board as you come out of that tunnel Sunday cause God know someone needs to fire you up. If any of you players read this, please help your fallen brothers up after the play from now on, it looks bad, show some class. I seldom mention their name but this is the Dallas Cowboys and we have been at war with them for over 40 years. If any of your players have the first bit of guts left in you then you SELL OUT NOW and send these wussies back to Texas with a loss. It's time to get it on. If you don't know what that means just look at some tape of the 85 Bears. (not 86 Bears) You 3rd stringers need to go out and shoot somebody a bow to the head even if it's just a ref.. Let em know that you mean pain. Bledsore needs to be sore on Monday. If they get up after the hit you didn't do your job ! If your going to facemask somebody go ahead and tear it off his helment. I think that Sunday will be a classic but the real Redskins need to show up in the 4th quater and they need to be pissed off ! :evil: :redpunch: :tantrum: :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

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Did anyone see the way we were running the ball in the 4th qtr last week? We didnt look like a team giving the game away to me. I criticize Clinton a lot for not being physical enough -- but I LOVED the effort he gave to move the pile forward and get the 1st down which iced the game!! Everyone here thinks I hate CP -- but I tell ya what....more efforts like that and I will be his #1 fan.



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I don't think we've been watching the same team.

Question the talent and execution. But to call out this team's heart and team spirit, very inaccurate, IMO, and I think the general consensus as well. I have no clue what you based this thread on?

Skin's have been fighting like wounded wolves all year. Losing close games does not equal 'playing to lose'. You're off cue, sorry bro.

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I don't think we've been watching the same team.

Question the talent and execution. But to call out this team's heart and team spirit, very inaccurate, IMO, and I think the general consensus as well. I have no clue what you based this thread on?

Skin's have been fighting like wounded wolves all year. Losing close games does not equal 'playing to lose'. You're off cue, sorry bro.

Wounded wolves ? Did you see the Giants game ? Did you see the Philly game after that ? We did everthing that we could to give that away but Philly wouldn't take it however, Tampa would. I have been watching this team for over 35 years and the only thing that even compares to the Giants game was our Super bowl loss and we did manage to put up 3 in it. Their intensity level sucks ! Portis gets nailed and just lays there while our lineman walk right by him like it doesn't matter. We are in tight games and the 4th quater rolls around and we got people getting their nails done. That is not the way you play.
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You're probably watching the game with the same glasses you read the score of that Super Bowl with.
It was 1983 and Oakland spanked us and you could feel the skins choke comming on. And thats what we have been doing the last 5 or 6 games. Something has got to happen to turn it around for us or were going to get spanked by those Cowgirls. If you don't see it the same way as I do thats fine... Your from California the land of NUTS AND FRUITS anyway.
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The team is playing not to lose when it should be playing to win.

Sorry brother but I stopped reading when I ran into that annoying cliche.

I don't know who came up with it but I'd love to tie them up in a secluded barn and work them over with some pliers and a ballpeen hammer for a few days.

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It was 1983 and Oakland spanked us and you could feel the skins choke comming on. And thats what we have been doing the last 5 or 6 games. Something has got to happen to turn it around for us or were going to get spanked by those Cowgirls. If you don't see it the same way as I do thats fine... Your from California the land of NUTS AND FRUITS anyway.

Alrite man you're questioning the teams intensity. I disagree, but oh well.

I'm not from Cali, just visiting.

I love intensity, the more the merrier or something. Just don't think we 'lack' it. And I never seen CP get overlooked by the O-Line. Just my observation.

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Alrite man you're questioning the teams intensity. I disagree, but oh well.

I'm not from Cali, just visiting.

I love intensity, the more the merrier or something. Just don't think we 'lack' it. And I never seen CP get overlooked by the O-Line. Just my observation.

Sorry, I've noticed it for a couple of games now and I'm just a little fired up cause its "the girls". I love my Redskins but it's so frustrating when they go into a conservative comma and loose games that we should win.
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Bledsore is gonna look awful funny grinning in the cameras without his front teeth.:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

You started this topic saying we are hopeless, now you are saying we are gonna rock them? Make up your mind. Here, I'll help you decide. GO REDSKINS! :logo:

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Sorry brother but I stopped reading when I ran into that annoying cliche.

I don't know who came up with it but I'd love to tie them up in a secluded barn and work them over with some pliers and a ballpeen hammer for a few days.

That was my observation not a cliche and we aint brothers.
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Sorry, I've noticed it for a couple of games now and I'm just a little fired up cause its "the girls". I love my Redskins but it's so frustrating when they go into a conservative comma and loose games that we should win.

That's cool, I'd rather see a fan too fired up than not enough.

I think Sunday's gonna be pretty intense no matter what- wait till they hear the fans!

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After the Giants game the Redskins have not been the same. They laid down and went to sleep that game and they have been trying to give away games ever since. It's late in the fourth and the Skins running backs are getting killed and nobody is helping them to their feet. That is just terrible. Where is the team spirit ? Is there no fight left in this group ? The team is playing not to lose when it should be playing to win. The only thing that is going to turn this team around this year is divine intervention and it has to happen now ! They are like the tinman, they are looking for a heart. As fans, the only thing that we can do is channel our emotions down to the field. The collective will of 90k people will let the Cowgirls know just how much we hate them but it might also light a fire under our players rearends. Something is going to happen this game and it's going to turn our season around. We deserve to sweep the girls this year. Joe Gibbs is to good a man and the football gods know it. So to all of you overpaid, premadonna, me, me, Redskins - your fans will forgive Tampa , the Chargers and Oakland if you don't fall apart on us this game. I wish that I could crack you in the ass with a board as you come out of that tunnel Sunday cause God know someone needs to fire you up. If any of you players read this, please help your fallen brothers up after the play from now on, it looks bad, show some class. I seldom mention their name but this is the Dallas Cowboys and we have been at war with them for over 40 years. If any of your players have the first bit of guts left in you then you SELL OUT NOW and send these wussies back to Texas with a loss. It's time to get it on. If you don't know what that means just look at some tape of the 85 Bears. (not 86 Bears) You 3rd stringers need to go out and shoot somebody a bow to the head even if it's just a ref.. Let em know that you mean pain. Bledsore needs to be sore on Monday. If they get up after the hit you didn't do your job ! If your going to facemask somebody go ahead and tear it off his helment. I think that Sunday will be a classic but the real Redskins need to show up in the 4th quater and they need to be pissed off ! :evil: :redpunch: :tantrum: :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

Can i get a paragraph!!!!!

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Did ya'll score a point for the first 56 minutes of the first game? Did ya'll score a point against the Giants?


It's not that far out of reach.

Momma must have put you to bed early on that Monday Night game, as you seen we didnt need 56 minutes to beat your losers, all we needed was 3 minutes!!!! :dallasuck

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Did ya'll score a point for the first 56 minutes of the first game? Did ya'll score a point against the Giants?


It's not that far out of reach.

As I recall, your offense didnt do &*$% against the Giants in the Meadowlands either. You may want to change your name around here after that whoopin Santana gave him in week 2


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