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Troy Aikman - Best Commentator Today?


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Troy Aikman and Phil Simms are in a class by themself. Both give you a perfect feel of what a players think in a certain situation.........without overloading you with crap info that most Color Commentators give you today.

John Madden was great in his prime as a Commentator in the 80's and early 90's. Recently, he's unbearable to listen to with all his recycled materials. Once in awhile he'll have a gem of a statement to share that offer a new light to a certain play or player in the game. But as the years pass, those are so far, far less frequent.

Best thing about listening to Monday Night Football now is the tension between Al Michaels and John Madden on the air. You can tell both hate each other. I love how Madden leaves Al Michaels hanging at times when Michaels asks him a question. :laugh:

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Dan Dierdoff is simply atrocious. That dude just luvs to hear himself yap.

I like Troy's analysis. Nice, concise unbiased information. That's all we ask for!

And whoever said Madden only points out the obvious couldn't be further from the truth. He may say some obvious things from time to time but just about every broadcast you will learn something new about the game of football listening to the guy.

Madden will be missed once he leaves the booth.

And Theismann cracks me up. It's hard for me to tell if A) Joe's seriously like that (knowitall prick) B) know's that he annoys people and plays up to it C) doesn't care, or D) all of the above. Theisman kicks @$$! lol

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