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Cowboys preseason game.


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Didn't see it so we'll have to have our visiting Dallas friends chat it up, but, it appears as if Carter was somewhat sharp, though the Dallas passing attack wasn't potent by any stretch. Oakland put up better yardage, but Dallas scored. Carter played much longer than Gannon, who only played a series, so, I expect we'll see "Dallas was running it up" stuff in tomorrow's papers, right?

Gotta give Q credit for answering the bell with a nice, apparently accurate performance against the Raiders though. Dallas fans will have to discuss the pros and cons of the game if they saw it. From the stat page, nothing overwhelming like we put up, but absolutely a nice game despite going with the starting QB much longer than Oakland :).

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we'll have to see how the qb situation works out, but I am really surprised the Cowboys didn't get more involved in the Drew Bledsoe sweepstakes.

maybe the Galloway fiasco scared them off? :)

in the East, only McNabb is an established pro bowl caliber quarterback, and the addition of Bledsoe (with a good offensive line in front of him) could have made a difference in how quickly Dallas got back into being a solid playoff contender.

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Carter was excellent. I listened to the game on the net, on an Oakland Radio Network feed. The announcers were amazed at Quincy Carter. He finished 10-13 for near 100 yards, with a TD. Most impressive were his 3 sack-escapes. He spun off would be tacklers on two plays and high-stepped over another to a 12 yard gain when it appeared he was going to be hit for an 8 yard loss. 3 carries for 24 yards. He played the entire first half, but did most of his damage vs. the Oakland starters as he handed off mostly on his last series or two. Our D looked awful. They didnt give up many points, and came up big when it counted, but im not so pleased. Hutch looked terrible. 5-11 with an INT. Our OL played pretty well, considering 3 starters were missing. No penalties on the OL....Our WRs look awesome.

Offense looks great, Defense looks not so good. Oaklands first team moved the ball against us, but they couldnt get in the End Zone.

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ESPN says that Carter did most of his damage against backups. You might want to double check that.

hahaha, like we even scored on starters.

Rich Gannon played just one series, going 4-for-6 for 52 yards to set up Sebastian Janikowski's 29-yard field goal with 3:46 left in the first quarter.

Callahan removed most of his starters after that series, and from that point on, the Raiders moved the ball but repeatedly hurt themselves with penalties.

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C'mon cowpoke tell it like it is, don't of inflating the situations, but then again, that's been you guys trademark!

One series against against Oakland, netted the same, just about as our starters did. We didn't use ALL of our starters on the OL in the first or second half, as was reported, before, and we darn sure didn't use our D after the first 3 series.

It was mainly backups or potentional (FA and rookies), but somehow, folks just wanted to take the steam out of the constant scroring against either a rusty or getting worse team that we faced. We all knew that and knew most of our main guys weren't in the game. We just happened to find some gems along the way (McCants and Thompson, Gillespie, Doehring), but sure not starters at this point.

Now QC IS a starter and the fact that the Raiders were capable from the jump, doesn't mean your D wasn't going to be any good, it just means they go back to the film room. QC did his work against backups, though and that game was for him to work on some things. I suppose the WRs, if you even know their names, can you print them here, as you say, looked awesome, but were they the starters also against the Raiders second team? After all they (Oakland) were only in for one series, right?

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I watched the game tonight. Queercy Carter looked pretty sharp, and mobile (but we already knew he was mobile). He got away from some pressure a few times and made a few plays with his legs. The arm was decent, nothing extraordinary. He missed a wide open receiver on the opening series from about the 15 yd. line, overthrew him by a ton - he was kicking himslef in the A$$. The Raiders didn't really play starters except for the firtst series and they were pretty decent too, except they couldn't get in the endzone. Janicowski also missed two field goal attempts - can you say bust (for a first round pick)?? Hutchinson looked average at best but did play well considering he hasn't played ball in 4 years. The one pick was on a good drive and he was picked in the endzone.

All in all, the game was very BORING. Big D had like no attendance whatsoever and I think the game had AT Least 30 penalties, with I think the Raiders having about at least 17 of them. It was ridiculous. Dallas fans should be ashamed of that attendance, preseason or not. Well, the game definitely did not have any fireworks, but Dallas fans can say that their team did not look as $hitty as in some preseaons past.

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Nope. I think they are talking about Offensive starters in that ESPN article. QC did most of his damage on the first and second series, and most of the Oakland Defensive starters were still in, with a smattering of backups, except Woodson (I didnt hear his name called at all, so im assuming he was out). By the end of the first quarter, those guys were all out, but mostly all QC did from that point was hand off anyways.

And as far as our WRs looking awesome, yeah, they were in there against mostly 2nd-3rd teamers, but they looked great for backups. Ken Yon Rambo, Reggie Swinton, Antonio Bryant, Jermaine Copeland all looked very good tonight.

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the OL and starting RB were missing, so this gave carter a good experience. He did miss a wide wide open McGee in the end zone, and the pass to swinton shouldn't have been thrown, but swinton made a good catch.....still learning but he looked a lot sharper than he did last year.....he is got some ways to go still but shouldn't need to carry the team or cause damage like Leaf.... he played within the system basically.... hutch is rusty....

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Salisbury said on NFL Tonite that, while Carter looked pretty good, it was by no means a spotless performance. Two plays in particular, a horribly overthrown pass in the end zone and a throw to Swinton on the next drive that got ~25 yards down to inside the 5, but really should have been picked off and taken back for a TD if not for inept CB play.

So, from a preseason coaching perspective, it was a great performance - positive plays to bolster the confidence, but enough left wanting to keep the pupil's attention.

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Guest Goatroper

Quincy did OK, except for a horrible duck of an overthrown pass to a wide open man in the endzone in the opening drive. But he settled down a bit and did pretty well throwing and running. He evaded a couple or three sacks and made positive yards on free-lance runs. We had mostly backups on the OL as several starters are sitting out with minor injuries.

Carter seems to be getting comfortable with Coslet's system.

Hambrick ran well; Emmitt didn't suit up. Tony Taylor looked pretty good. Not sure why Wiley is still around.

Our defense didn't look spectacular, I'm sorry to say, but kept Oakland from scoring a TD. Not saying much, tho, as the Raiders spent most of the night shooting themselves in both feet.

Don't know how many total plays in the game did NOT have a penalty, but bet it was in single digits. We had too many, and Oakland was going for the world record, seems like.

Our young guys hustled hard and looked like they are serious about making the roster. We are going to have to cut some good players -- WR's and DL's -- who will likely be playing somewhere else this year. Doubt the Skins will sign anymore Cowboys castoffs, which I'm glad about.

All in all a pretty satisfactory preseason game. Lots of tape to look at for player evaluation, no serious injuries, no catastrophic breakdowns, some game experience for the rookies. Final score was 20-6.

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