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Funny and uplifting.


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From the San Francisco paper, here's a bit about Saturday from Rumph.

"The one pass he's likely to remember for the rest of his life was the 65-yard touchdown toss from Sage Rosenfels to Derrius Thompson. Rumph trailed the play by a yard, futilely watching as Thompson caught the ball in stride and raced into the end zone. Mariucci suggested Rumph was supposed to get help from the safety on the play. "It was really my fault," Rumph said. "The safety was pretty much on the tight end, so I should have been on that one." Rumph was also part of a secondary that yielded five touchdowns and was often in disarray. "A lot of times we were getting the calls a little late," Rumph said. "The offense was getting out of the huddle before we were."

This is funny because if he was trailing by a yard, then in San Francisco they measure a yard as 30 feet instead of three. This is uplifting because it is something we haven't seen from our team in a while. Quickly in and out of the huddle. We weren't a no-huddle offense, but, we were moving swiftly in and out of it so we almost became one. Getting to the line routinely with 15-20 seconds left on the play clock allowed for calmly made audibles and appropriate reads.

It was a very smooth offensive performance after Sage settled down a little.

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(Woohoo, post #3000! :) )

Yeah, I'm liking that we're shaking up things. Teams have to approach us a heck of a lot more cautiously than they did before, and that's a welcome relief, particularly after being saddled with such a conservative (inept) offense a year ago.

Frankly, whether we win or lose this year, this will be a blast to watch!

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Originally posted by redman

(Woohoo, post #3000! :) )

Yeah, I'm liking that we're shaking up things. Teams have to approach us a heck of a lot more cautiously than they did before, and that's a welcome relief, particularly after being saddled with such a conservative (inept) offense a year ago.

Frankly, whether we win or lose this year, this will be a blast to watch!

This is definately a great change of pace!

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Originally posted by caskinzfan

This will be great if we do not have communication problems like last year. We burned too many timeouts because our QB's and sideline were confused to what play was being called.

Kills momentum.....Time outs need to be used at the end of each half!

Good pt. Thank God we actually have a qualified individual working with our QB's this year.

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Didn't someone mention the difference in play clocks from college to the pros? don't they have 5 seconds more in the pros?

If so, his offense being made for a quicker huddle might throw off the Ds. I know most teams use most of the clock before the hike. Maybe by being a little quicker out of the huddle, the Skins can reduce some of the situational subbing that has become the defensive norm in the NFL. How many 2 down DL or 3rd down DL are there in the league? IF you can keep a flexible O in the game while preventing the mass subbing that happens now, you might be able to steal some of the advantages of a no huddle O. If nothing else, teams are going to have to get used to getting their D players on the field more quickly.

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" If nothing else, teams are going to have to get used to getting their D players on the field more quickly."

With Air Spurrier they won't have the time. They'll also be sucking wind trying to rush the passers 50 times a game. Between our Offense and Defense, a lot of opposing D-lineman are going to have more aerobics than their usual Richard Simmons work-outs.

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