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Something to think about


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Here's something to think about. Many NFL coaches coach "not to loose". The run the ball to eat up the clock and play for field position. There is nothing wrong with that and there are certainly many ways to win a championship. Spurrier has openly said he doesn't understand playing not to loose. He tries his damnedest to kick the a$$ of his opponents each week. Running up the score, making sure the game is not close in the 4th quarter. As a former Dolphins fan, I was always frustrated when with a 7 pt lead with Dan Marino, the Dolphins would try to run the ball and kill the clock. They couldn't run and I always figured, the more you score, the farther they have to come back.

I love Spurrier's philosophy and I think he has the guts no to care what others think and not to worry about if he hurts any feelings. As a Skins fan, what could be greater than beating the cowgirls 40-0. Most coaches would have just kept running the ball in the Skins preseason game once the score was 24-7.

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Playing not to lose... Sounds a lot like Marty-ball.

SOS's system seems riskier than it actually is. People seem to forget that the more you run the ball, the more you fumble, statistically. I'd rather put it in the air more and take my chances on that.

At least you know there'll be a lot of points on the board, hopefully all of them yours.

I'll take beating the Cowboys 10-7 any day, but beating them by three or four TDs? Whoo, man...

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