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This LA situation just doesn't make sense, whats up with these stubborn old men.


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I saw that some of us watch around the horn, and heard Woody Paige comments. That guy is a loon, and I don't undertsand how he still is on TV, but I guess he has an audience. I thought his mentioning of us trading Ramsey and LaVar was laughable. We need a quality back up this season, and LA is a future hall of famer. How do you just trade that? Here are the reasons that Joe is killing me with regards to LaVar:

1) Last year when we were a bunch of bums, and he still tried his best to rehab his knee and give us a chane to win. He threatened his career, and he wasn't getting paid anymore money to do so. Why not reward that effort?

2)Lavar has been successful with Marty, Norv, and Spurrier. Gibbs in the best of the bunch, so why isn't LA more effective with this coaching staff?

3)He won't stay 27 forever. Let's utilize the investment that we made.

4)How do you sit our potentially best football player just becuase he doesn't fit into a system. I would guess that these men are innovative enough to figure out a way to keep a tealent like LA on the field.

5)This D is good, but like one panelist said on Around the Horn, it could be special with LA

6)Why are you punishing a grown man. LA should not be punished because Joe Gibbs is now team president. Where does this stop? If a player has a contract dispute does Joe take it personally? So far it seems that he has. LA should not be punished for wanting the money he thinks he deserves. This is a business Joe. I feel this has already hurt us in free agency.

7)We got a whole season stil to play. I don't want to hear from people I told you so, you guys really suck from the so called experts. Give us the best chance to win.

8) Whose defending Gonzo, Shockey, etc. Washington has to play coverage, so where is the pressure coming from, Lemar, and Holdman?

9)I just want to see LA on the field. I love his energy.

10)Nobody perfect, and no player is perfect. We saw that last week.

11) What scheme doesn't utilize the teams current talent. Don Shula said successful coaches design their schemes around the paleyrs. GW head is to big. The man has't won anything yet. WHy are we siding with tis guy over a player that been here since 2000, and been in the probowl three straight times up until last year. We only won 6 games, and our d was third over all.

Ok my ranting in done.

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