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anyone watch the Cowgirls 'Hard Knocks' on HBO?

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haha they looked horrible... what a bunch of fake TV-loving coaches... i did get a few laughs though... those 2 queers Hutchinson and Flowers reminded me of those guys from "There's Something About Mary" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: wtf was up with them playing the guitar and singing HORRIBLY throughout the show... and completely out of nowhere too... haha, that made me laugh... i'm starting to feel bad for the Cowgirls... well, actually no i'm not... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I watched it. I thought it was hilarious. Dave Campo is Jerry Jones' choreboy. What a dork. They looked so sloppy compared to the skins it was so pitiful. The gave Chad Hutchinson so much air time you would think he was the starting QB, but I guess that's because their starter is illiterate. The cowgirls put on a very funny show.

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That show was a joke. Hutchinson and Flowers made complete idiot's of themselves on national television. And what was up with Jerrah's pep talk at the pool party? What a joke. Oh, and how many dropped passes did you guys see? I counted at least 10. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing this show for a good laugh each week.

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I was absolutely bored to tears watching last night. I'm not just trying to make a joke. That team has no personalities. Last year with Baltimore, you had the Goose, Ray Lewis, Shannon Sharpe, Billick (although annoyingly arrogant) was at least somewhat compelling.

With the Cowboys you get a rookie who can't sing to save his life and a stroll through the south bronx with some rookie no one cares about. I'm not saying the skins would be much more interesting but you mark my words: the ratings will go down from here and there will be another team in the crosshairs next year.

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Not so sure about that. My guess is there'll be at least one or two (completely unscripted, to be sure) "incidents" – a fight, perhaps, and/or maybe a rowdy party where some ladies get topless – that will be heavily promoted by HBO for a few days.

Too much scratch at stake here for the show to go quietly into the good night.

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Originally posted by codeorama

but I guess that's because their starter is illiterate. The cowgirls put on a very funny show.

That is too friggin funny. I saw an interview with Queercy last year at the beginning of the year and I was like......what the hell kind of ebonics is he speaking???

I didn't get a chance to watch it last night (out drinkin) but will catch it tonight for some laughs.

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I'm not saying anything until we snap the streak. Mum.

But I am annoyed that it's not the Pats training camp. It should be one of those things that the Lombardi tropy winners get to do.

I mean, I know the Cowboys are going to be better, and they always play the Skins tuff, but really, it's not like they've been any good in a long time. We've been (literally) mediocre for a few years, but the Skins would put on a better show with Spurrier and Marvin and Snyder.

And if not the Pats, hell, the Rams would be fun, since that's who everyone is really gunning for. But Dallas? Maybe if there's a peephole in the cheerleaders' shower room Porky's-style. But otherwise, I'm watching "The Making of the Raiderettes".

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Heh heh. Here's an email I received from a freind of mine (casual football fan) after I told him I wasn't watching it:


What? You're kidding! Myself, I VERY much look forward to the whole "laughing-at" aspect of it all. Especially if it goes anything like the Ravens' did. They surprised HBO (and NFL Films) and did NOT look good--and that made for good TV man, so my thinking is they looked for a team that is NOT exactly flying out of the blocks. Rams? The new world champs, the Pats? Nope, a joke coach, a geriatric Emmet, and.... who? The network's just PRAYING for some classic Cowgirl felony scandal material, I betcha dimes to donuts. Fingers crossed!

Not to mention the idea of them opening their doors and windows wide open for the rest of the NFC East to gape at 'em pre-pre-season. You just KNOW Spurrier's already got his VCR programmed. :)

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Originally posted by Henry

Heh heh. Here's an email I received from a freind of mine (casual football fan) after I told him I wasn't watching it:


Not to mention the idea of them opening their doors and windows wide open for the rest of the NFC East to gape at 'em pre-pre-season. You just KNOW Spurrier's already got his VCR programmed. :)

Hopefully the Daniel has some connections down @ HBO (get hooked up w/ the playbook maybe?). I'm sure Lewis & SS wouldn't mind a Thanksgiving Day blowout. :pint:

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They actually did have a segment on the cheerleaders. Seems like they're going to do a part on this cute black girl who is a rookie Cowgirl. The woman in charge was telling them how they seriously need to lose some weight...what a beeyotch...I was cracking up.

Hutchinson is big and looks like he will be good...but he is one ugly mofo. That Flowers kid is queer I am pretty sure.

As rich as they are, I could'nt help but get a white trash feel from Jerrah and Campo and their respective women.

And finally, as much as I hate the Cowboys, I can't help but respect and admire Emmitt. He was shedding real tears when he received an award from Walter Payton's family.

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