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Arrington or Holdman

SKiNz Jus 2 sick

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Everyone on this board that thinks this our current record is anything but an ULTRA-SOFT 3-0 are simply being set-up for an monumental let down. I'm telling you right now, the word is getting out on the ego-maniac's (GW) defense. You think we didn't blitz much in Dallas or against Seattle because we were tired of playing that attacking style of '04? Hell no!!! GW sees it, Seattle saw it and exposed it.

The problem with playing a TEAM scheme where average players look like they're supernatural is if one of those AVERAGE players is ever so slightly out of place, the whole house of cards comes falling down (a la 4th & 4 conversions, 37 yard gashings, etc). GW thinks his TEAM D outweighs the neccessity for above avg personnel playing in those roles. I said it before, this ain't Div III college football. This is the NFL, baby!!! You'd better play your best personnel or your prostate will be on the 50 yard line.

We don't attack anymore because we can't. No one is afraid of GW's defense!!! NO ONE!!! Chicago off is inept, our O finally came alive in Dallas, and we got LUCKY with Seattle.

Not playing Lavar is going to get our D eaten alive for the next two Sundays (assuming he isn't playing). You need to have someone on the D, if not the whole D, that the opposition fears... and no one, other than ST, is feared on the Skins D.

Warrick Holdman, LB, 5 Tackles????? Give me a break.

Finally a right thinking Skins fan that knows what he is talking about. Not only is the 3-0 soft - it may mean nothing if the defense doesn't start making some momentum changing plays. The Skins would have lost to Dallas and Seattle if the opposing coaches weren't idiots.

MARK THESE WORDS - The Skins will lose the next 5 games if turn overs and pressure on the QB is not forthcoming.

The Skins let Matt Hassleback go for 85 and 93 YARD scoring drives. Are you kidding me Matt Hassleback. The last drive to tie the game. GW had better be getting his "packages" (what a load of garbage that term is) right or the Skins are going to get blown out in the coming weeks.

As for Holdman - PLEASE - I have watched every minute of every game and have not seen him enough to even know his number. All those plays and all those packages. I like to know how he is grading out in the film scessions. I got to think it is not good.

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I will take 3-0 over everything else, over any stats.
I think if Walt Harris and Sean Taylor are both able to go full speed it will help quite a bit. Having Ade Jimoh, Ryan Clark and Omar Stoutmire all on the field at the same time makes me nervous.

It's not like Warrick Holdman contributed to that 3-0 (damn 5 tackles in 3 games!)

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I would take a Win with this team any day over either player....this is about winning games guys...not seeing Arrington snort at the other players....I do admit.....he is a great talent.....coach Gibbs is making this squad into a team effort. Not a Me!!!!

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Is this a game with LaVar, punishing him for questioning his contract. Defense has been solid, but could use a spark, some personality. We'll all be watching whether or not Arrington is in the game, but c'mon Coach, Redskins fans haven't had this much fun in years, and we want to continue.

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How about playing Lavar at Safety beside Sean. That would be brutal. Who would have the nads to go across the middle on us? Nobody that wanted to live would try it.

I don't know if he could pull it off but it would be fun to watch him hit T.O. on the slant wouldn't it?

Bowen, Clark, Prileou(or however u spell his name) are all good enough to be starters next to ST so why would we move Lavar to Saftey?

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