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The Falls-A Night of Bliss


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I was at The Falls in NYC like many other Skins fans.

All I can say is that we were all happy and suprised to pull out the win in the fashion that we did. It was quite a communal experience.

2-0 is all that matters.

Thanks to all for the chest bumping. iheartskins was there to represent the site. One of the greatest nights of all our nights.

ps. it's going to be hard to shave ever again...

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What an incredible night. I was going to start a thread about this, but might as well just post my account here...

First off, thanks to LaRou for setting everything up. It was a little weird, but pretty amazing to see an entire bar full of 'Skins fans.

I arrived at around 8:15 pm and after about 2 minutes I ran into bhayesp who I hadn't seen since sophomore year of high school. We talked about the old times a bit, then our focus turned to the 'Skins.

When walking in, there was the "Free Sean Taylor" contingent proudly sporting their burgundy and gold t-shirts. And on back to the main bar and restaurant tables were maybe 15-20 other fans. Not a bad showing. Within maybe 20 minutes, the place was full. Like SRO full--including space for some Cowboys fan who waltzed in with a Number 8 Aikman jersey. (Sidebar, what kind of ******* comes to a bar full or opposing fans? What's that thought process? Is it something like, "Hey, I love making terrible first impressions and having people hate me." BTW, this dude clapped after every Dallas play, but was gone by halftime. Ah, in true 'Boys fan style.)

Anyway, so our table was full, as was the entire restaurant by the time the gam--er, until the screens weren't blacked out and we came into the middle of the first of many impressive defensive stops. For the first 10 minutes of the game, people were pretty upbeat, clapping. Then the INT, then the fumble, and by halftime, the bar has lost maybe 10-20% of its patrons.

As of the middle of the fourth quarter and we were still down, bhayesp and I had this short and somewhat scary conversation: "What if Brunell isn't the answer and Gibbs has lost a step?" We quickly erased that thought and turned our focus back to the game and were met with, in about 45 seconds, I kid you not, the Impossible Throw to Santana Moss. I've never seen more bar glasses fall to the floor in a single instant that when he caught that ball. The place erupted, a couple people over-chest bumped, and there was a lot of high fives all around.

Quick other note: so skins4eva, who is one of my best friends, is probably the most pessimistic Redskins fan I have ever, EVER met, left at halftime, which is probably for the best considering I thought he was going to separate the Cowboys fan into several pieces. Oh, I forgot to mention that the 'Boys fan was a mousy, annoying looking kid. The kind that would correct your grammar in casual conversation when you don't know each other that well.

So back to the game, very few people were sitting down after the first Impossible Throw. I came close to throwing up in my mouth a few times. And that's the thing, there is not a rational person out there who would have believed that the 'Skins could have beaten the 'Boys after being down. Much less losing by two touchdowns.

But then, ABC/ESPN pulled the classic statistic curse on Mr. Parcells. They flashed the ominous 77-0 record and then, the Gods realized that it was time for Tuna to fall from George Allen's company.

Then there was the second Divine Reception.

And then the eruption, which was more like being at Ground Zero of Mt. St. Helen's right as it was about to burst in 1980(1?). I hugged more strangers than I'd care to hug for quite some time, and the fact that I'd felt queasy, the day had passed abnormally stangely with a usually chaotic office had temporarily turned completely pacific...well, it all started to make sense.

I can honestly say that I have never been more happy to be a fan than I was last night. It was incredible.

G-d, I love this team. :)

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I concur whole heartedly. :cheers: It was a great experience all around and it was a pleasure to meet Rou, Luis and Liam our bud from the UK...I'd say that was a good going away present. I'll make this place my home on game days for sure. The staff was great and the tide turned when the bartender started pouring shots...I think he knows what he has to do from now on.


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BigUp to Rou for pulling the fans together . . .

The place went BANANAS on both TDs. I'd been the jerk who kept saying 'there's plenty of time, plenty of time' while nervously rubbing the DG jersey for good luck, so I was relieved to be vindicated. Thanks to Santana for making it happen. Do you all remember that Gatorade commercial from when he was a rookie, with video of him on the sidelines of A Miami Hurricanes game?

'Big time players make big time plays'

He said it. And last night he did it.

Everyone who was there, come back to rep the squad in two weeks. That's an order!


(Oh, by the way, that was the best part - I've never herd a bar fulla people in NYC ringing out Hail To The Redskins. F'in Awesome)

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I had an amazing time. we almost tore that place down. For those I hung out with this is my screen name (I'm steve) for those that I didn't meet formally but high fived and proboly hugged after the win I was the young black guy with a gray skins tshirt on). I will be at the falls every week from now on probally in a santana jersey.

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It was great to put some faces to names and going through the lows and highs together.

Oh...a very special thanks to the Jets for (1) taking Coles, (2) giving us Moss, and (3) for letting Aaron Glenn walk and sign with Dallas. :laugh:

See ya'll there in two weeks. :cheers:

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For the record--I watched the game at my dad's place--my girlfriend was screaming for me to turn it off and go to sleep with 4 minutes left, but I sad--Na-uh hun, we watch till the end, woman, so get used to it. Then I saw that ABC pulled the double jinx, by saying we hadn't won a come from behind game in 25 games, and that Tuna hadn't lost with a 13-0 lead in the 4th...that's when I knew that game was ours...oh, and the sean taylor pop was awesome

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That was one of the most memorable games I have ever seen, and it was freakin awesome to see it with you guys. You're right iheartskins, I don't think I've hugged so many dudes in such a short period of time, or ever in a whole lifetime.

For whoever punched me in the eye after the 2nd TD by accident -- it's all good. I'm glad nothing (and nobody) got broken or destroyed that night so they keep this gig going. That guy in the Aikman jersey woulda gotten trampled to death if he stayed towards the end.

What an amazing night.

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