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The Bears Game showed me Joe is on point, but maybe so was Ramseys.


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The best QB from the 2002 draft class is EASILY David Garrard. It's just a matter of time before some team trades for him and makes him their starter. I've read that the Jags asking price is too high, but someone will go after him eventually. He's going to be a great QB.

Actually, it is my understanding that he's going to be a free agent after this year. I remember some writers making a big deal out of this, since it is rare that a young guy with some talent is allowed to leave via free agency.

The book hasn't been written on the 2002 class, but it isn't looking great. It is why we shouldn't get our hopes up that Campbell will be the answer either. It is always a crapshoot.


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What a bunch of bs. He's not the best QB based on any intelligent criterion I can think of.

If he was good, he'd be the starter right now. :doh:

Show me a QB who has performed better than Ramsey out of that group. IMO, two of the 5 worst starting QBs in the league were taken in the top 3 of that very draft. Carr has been pitiful since he came into the league, and Harrington has been even worse. In Carr's defense, he has at times shown promise, something Harrington hasn't sniffed in his entire career, but neither of them are better than Ramsey, and I daresay you could find some intelligent criterion to back that up.

As for David Garrard, that may well be true, Sir, but he's proved nothing in the league as yet, so I don't consider him a legitimate contender for best QB of his draft just now.

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I watched David Garrard while he was at East Carolina. He was a good QB but was inconsistent. He'd make 2 good throws then a bad one. He could really scramble though and caused a lot of problems for the defense. He didn't play well in the senior bowl and some of the post graduation evaluations that's why he didn't get drafted much higher than he did.

However I think with the right tutoring he could become the best of that class.


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The other thing to keep in mind (forget the Ramsey part, just on the Bears) is that we broke that D down with the run. Urlacher said it himself, 'By the end of the game, whenever they wanted to run it, they did, and we couldn't stop it'.

So having watched the way their defense was *swarming* yesterday and comically picking Joey Harrington over and over, I think its clear the Skins O Line is a much bigger force than people think. This is a big game tonight, and with all the runs being called from both sidelines, it'll be over pretty quickly. If Joe can get a defensive score to put pressure on early, we may be seeing another boring, possesion-type game. But I'll take it if we can escape with a W before a zebra sees a phantom PI with the game on the line.

Our O-line and their ability to pick up the blitz will be the difference this evening. Having a center that has played against the 3-4 twice a year will help picking up any surprises.

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