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Why training camp should not be at Redskin Park

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I love Spurrier, but I think he's wrong about wanting to have training camp at Redskin Park.

Whether it should be in Carlisle specifically is debatable -- certainly there's no excuse for having to practice on anything less than superb fields. Sheesh: Snyder is pouring $25 million down Spurrier -- how much does it cost to pay for the creation and maintenance of some good practice fields?

There are two primary arguments for training camp away from D.C.:

1. (less important) -- cooler weather. Football is not a summer sport, for good reason. D.C. is one of the most unpleasant cities during the summer. It's good to get to a cooler climate. (By the way, after 14 years in D.C. and 10 years in Atlanta, I can report that Atlanta has better weather. The summers are very similar -- I was surprised that Atlanta was no worse. Spring and fall are endlessly pleasant in Atlanta -- much longer than in D.C. Winter is brief, consisting of two months of weather in the low 40s, with one or two cold snaps in the 20s, lasting about a week each.)

2. (more important) -- camaraderie, bonding, and freedom from distractions. The one thing that Spurrier doesn't really understand that's different about college football is that . . . college *is* a camp. Players have few life responsibilities and get to hang around with each other and bond. In the NFL, players are adults. They have wives and children, business meetings, house projects, etc. -- lots of stuff that can be pleasant or really unpleasant, but all fundamentally distracting. They go home and their wife spends all dinner complaining about how the plumbers putting in the spa were three hours late and drove over the grass . . . . So players lose their focus, dealing with the endless distractions that life brings to adults.

About five years ago, I attended a professional publishing workshop at Stanford. It took place over two weeks in the summer and required attendance in the university dorm. The experience was one of the most intense and positive experiences I've had as an adult -- mainly because I was able to get away from everything and truly focus on the workshop.

I was reminded of all this tonight while watching one of the commentary tracks on the Monty Python "Life of Brian" DVD. One of the Pythons mentioned that they had gone to Bermuda to write the script, because they needed a place to get away from the distractions of their lives. He specifically mentioned getting away from wives and side businesses (personal appearances, etc.) as examples of what they were leaving behind.

I like the general idea that Spurrier is treating his players like adults. But at the same time, he needs to remember that adults have their own problems, and they include the sheer distractions of leading adult lives. Training camp away from home is a place they can leave all that behind, and its value should not be trivialized.

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All Spurrier fans, ASF has good points.

Spurrier needs one thing to happen here, that he said he'd do. Adjust.

He's constantly making references to what he did in college, and that's fine, but now, it's also fine to start finding and relating the equation of what's happening in the NFL. He's still learning some things I am sure and I do like the way he's taking it, but this IS a stickling point and yes family matters almost kept our starting RB from making it into camp on time in 2000 and almost a rerun last year. There will be the usual "allegations" period, every time a player walks in a door, gets in a car, or is seen with someone. Just way too many setups from hoodwinks, crooks, a ho, robbers, and tricks waiting for the slightest moment of a "money" player in the area.

These aren't "college" environments they'd be in. It can more hostile than it appears, since everyone in the area isn't a FAN. Fine if you're near the UF campus, not so in the NFL.

Wait till he sees Dallas fans in the FEDEX stands. People will camp out in all spots and homes of players and that will cause more security problems than what even existed as early as 3 years ago. The Players adult lives own problems are enough as they are already and yet the distance keeps everthing focused. Dan Snyder should know full well that these players may actually be influencing some of these comments on moving. If so, the whiners could actually be leading the team in the kind of environment that is only comfortable for that one or few players, who, more than likely won't be with the team at all in 2 years. I can guess who it is and I wouldn't be surprised. Even the coach must stomach this, if he expects to be have the "kind" of team he envisions. Moving to Redskins Park, I don't think will help at all.

The young men will have a very, very harsh lesson in these days and times that "that" area is under so much pressure from other worldly and area events', it is just too hard keep them focused. Every thrown away gum wrapper will be analyzed, every kiss of a girlfriend (hopefully the guy isn't married) and every club hop (leaches seeking to lie on a player to cash in - ie, lowlifes and losers). Am I paranoid. Yes. Been there, lived there for the first 24 years of my life and know full well, the leaches come all the way out to VA and the surrounding area. Players would also be tempted to go to neighboring states and not be able to get back in time for crucial moments. Again, remember the age we're in, the current environment and possibilities for events preventing the player from being sheilded from this.

Redskins Park would only benefit the owner, not the team.

I was maybe wrong in saying the sod would mean the Skins will move to Redskins Park. Yes Spurrier will find out immediately and regretfully, that moving TC to Redskins Park would eventually be a disaster wating to happen. The urge in men to have so many things at their fingertips is tempting enough as it is. Comparing Carlisle to the D. C. area is like moving from Green Acres to NY city.

"Green Acres, is the place to be, fun living is the life for me" :)

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ASF makes some good points. I think the city of Carlisle should help the college maintain those fields and get rid of the severe pitch. I also think they should build a first class golf course near the college. Lord knows there is enough beautiful farm land around there to build a great course.

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Hey Tommy, there is a decent golf course about 5-7 miles south of Carlisle. I hope htey find a way to stay. There was a guy taking a survey about how much money we spent and if we liked Carlisle and how far we traveled to get to camp yesterday, so maybe Carlisle will be moer involved next year. I am sure the town made a good hunk of change from the lunch break alone Sat, I know it took forever to find a place to eat, that wasn't full

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I'm a little skepticle, to what they say is a nice golf course. Granted we don't have the best public courses in Northern VA, but damn I played the Carlisle Barracks course, which I was told was really nice. That was a waste of time, oh well at least I got my fixin.

I remember a lot of sports reporters complaining last year about the lack of golf courses in the area. Maybe I'll try somewhere else next year, if camp stays there. Don't mind making the 125 mile 2hour trip.

Did stop by the McCutchin's (Sp?) fruit stand on 94/34. Picked up some black rasberry, red rasberry, strawberry blueberry, and peach jam. Had to get a dozen Apple Rasberry drinks too and some of those White Peaches.

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I agree ASF, I also attended that camp at Redskin park a few years ago (it wasn't a training camp, it was a d@mn circus).

For selfish reasons it would be good for me if it were held at

the park my sister lives right on top of it, I could drive down and stay with her and walk over. If it remains in Carlisle, which is

95 miles from my home it means I spend money on lodging for a night or I drive up and down the Pennsylvania turnpike. I think it is better for forming a cohesive team if they stay in Carlisle.

Snyder needs to exercise his AUTHORITA and flat out tell Spurrier (u are the ball coach not a travel agent) we stay in Carlisle.

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I like 2000's Idea (a first:D). Camp in FL. Football isn't a summer sport, yet you don't see Tampa, Miami, or Jacksonville running for cooler weather. You also don't see their players dropping from the heat dureing the regular season. It's the guys from the cold climate that drop every year in camp.

The differance between Pa and DC isn't that drastic in summer. From what I read this week, Carlisle has had a heat indexes over 110 degrees this week. Ft Myers Fl has been running indexes about 108 degrees, and we have outstanding turf.

Send um down this way. I don't mind hosting weekend parties after camp, and doing camp reports for the board. We have some of the best public golf courses in the country, and much better night life. If golf doesn't do it for ya, you can always fish.

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Whether they stay in Carlisle, or go to some other site, I believe the consensus is for them to go somewhere for camp. This is truly a bonding process. Getting back into the football frame of mind, away from the distractions of family, friends, and other business concerns.

Because Carlisle has been the "tradition", the college might have become very complacent in their actions. Double S's comments were a wake up call for the college and the town.



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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

One of the reasons I feel my hs football team was so sucessful was we jetted to a small college in West Va for the first week of practice. Players had to bond, we got to know each other and we trusted each other. The key thing I feel is you gain that sense of trust in your teammates by being around them all the time. And on the gridiron that is very critical

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