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I Love GreGG Williams!

Dead Money

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15 minutes of nothing but passion for football, team and redskins football. How can I not feel great about our defense this year after seeing this professional, passionate, honorable man. I'm gaga. :smooch:

Check out the latest interview if you haven't already.


:doh: well atleast your not drooling over McCune's body..

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I did really like what I heard in that interview. He explained how they play in the preseason, erasing any misguided doubts anyone may still have had about that Rogers incident. He also just seems to be a very intelligent and straight-forward guy, who knows what it takes to win. I think players respond to a coach like that, as we already saw last year. I am extremely glad that he is on our side, and can't think of anyone I'd rather have as our D-coordinator.

I really like what they are doing with the package concept. I'm sure other defenses do the same, but Coach Williams seems to pursue it more than anyone else I've seen or heard about. I think the concept is that everyone at this level is physically capable of being a good player in this league. The key is they have to be comfortable with what they have to do and trust those around them. So Coach Williams breaks the defensive scheme down into numerous packages based on what the offense is doing scheme wise. Then you coach different guys up in the different packages, aimed to maximize a player's strengths, so everyone is absolutely comfortable with what their job is. that way you spread out the fatigue load and keep people fresher. I think this is brilliant. It never was quite clear to me the way his scheme worked concerning the packages until I wathed that interview.

By the way, Redskins.com has hit a hom,e run with the "unfiltered" news concept. It's awesome! You get to hear everything the reporters hear, in the proper context and with all of the included body language etc. that are very important to human communication. It really is completely "unfiltered". I was a little worried it would be a team propoganda type thing, but they really just put everything out there and let you as the viewer take what you will from it. It's great!

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