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hokie tickets for freshman


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i am a freshman at virginia tech and was wondering if it is possible to get student tickets still to home games. i would also like to know more about tech (if anyone does) and hangout places for skinz games, etc. any response would be greatly appreciated.

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I visited there with my son in the fall, and they told us about a lottery as far as freshman tickets go. I'm not clear on the details, but as I remember, there is some way to register, and if your name comes up you get tickets. Most people end up getting tickets, and even if you don't, they're pretty easy to come up with regardless. So yes, tickets are still available, I'm sure you'll be recieving word on how to get them soon.

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Good luck

Your gonna have to join a group to try and get them

My freshmen year in Pritchard we had a pretty decent sized group that camped out. As far as I know they do not do that anymore.

Check with your RA. He is probably the person with the most knowledge or check the ticket office

As far as watching Skins games, I know that Mcadoos has a great deal on Sunday and a bunch of Skins fans used to hang out there

To be honest though, I used to just wake up at 12:58 on Sunday's, roll out of bed and watch the games

Also you will probably get many more answers here


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