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G.M.? Defensive Coor?


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No way Lewis leaves one great D to coach another one when he could be a Head Coach.

I was hoping that we'd hire a GM 1st. Oh well, we need a GM to help find a great DC who wants a job.


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As long as it isn't Bobby B- I'll take whoever we can get at GM. I wonder will Steve have a say in who we draft? You know Dan will. That's why don't expect to see a Wolf here.

AS for Steve's assistants, I'd figure he'd bring his offensive guys with him. It would be wise to hire an NFL coach for DC. Gators1 on CPND listed some guys Steve may bring with him and they were mostly defensive guys.

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If Steve does not have a say in who we draft, I will be so mad I will go back to my male escort service. Who has more information about the best prospects in the best confrence in America. By the way, I love the way I look in a cheer leader uniform. Would it be franchise infringement if I used the picture if I have to go back to my male escort business. God, the money is good, but I AM TIRED OF BEING TREATED LIKE A SEX OBJECT.

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Isn't Rich McKay the guy who drafted busts Jacquez Green and Reidel Anthony as #1 draft choices at receiver?

Isn't McKay the one who engineered the trade for Keyshawn that cost 2 #1 picks and $12 million in bonus money to get a glorified possession receiver?

How about $25 million for Brad Johnson at age 33?

I don't think McKay has done that good of a job in recent years.

The consecutive drafts where he got Sapp and Brooks are now several years in the past.

The Bucs to me have stalled in upgrading their personnel since making the title game in 1999.

I would head in another direction for GM.

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