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Ok Ok... I'm officially a member of the Nemo Fanclub!

Dead Money

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I finally got to see the game this morning - the replay from the NFL Network. I failed to see why everyone was freaking out so much yesterday. Really.

Ramsey looked rusty - so what? Brunell looked better than he did last year - GOD - I hope so!

Then there was Nemo. His first run I can remember he laid his helmet into the chest of a linebacker and drove him back five yard out of bounds. Betts is slippery and bounces off of tacklers gaining extra yardage being crafty and using a great motor but Broughton just simply brings a load. How exciting was it to see a redskins rb bring it? :notworthy:

Then comes the kick return in which our coverage team really whiffed 3-4 times on the returner. Here's comes Nemo from a disadvantaged location and catches the returner and hammers him good! - Like a missle from nowhere!

So with all the doom & gloom that normally follows a loss I walked away a little dissapointed in the offense due to the lack of focus and fluidity. However, Baber seemed to block well +, all the backs seemed to catch and run well ++ and we saw more of a west coast style offense which should definitely open the box for Portis and hopefully this kid Nemo if he can keep it up +++.

McCants hands were horrible but I read something here somewhere that he has a hand injury??? - So my optimism will continues with him. My dark horse of the season, Antonio "Little Jon" Brown looked good and I seriously think he is going to win a game or two on his own this year!

The defense looked ragged but was pretty much a shambles without all the starters - the bright side being that some of the lesser knowns like Boschetti got more time. I was glad to see Taylor playing more than less. It was nice to see Bowen back hittin hard and I have to admit that I did experience my annual please-cut-Ade-Jimoh rant during the game.

Overall I am a homer and you all know it. With that said, I was able to pull a bunch of positives from the game unlike the najority of posters saturday, sunday and monday. You have to hope because as a fan - that is all we have.


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KB...nice post. we're all homers - some express it differently. some have sharp comments....but everyone, in the end, wants to win. the difference seems to be when folks expect to see results. I, for one, want to see the semblance of a downfield passing game early and often. others are comfortable with a methodical, building block approach to pre-season. neither pov is inherently wrong. it's a matter of temperment.

that aside.....good post.

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I recently took a friend of mine fishing offshore for the first time in his life... There were reports about 10-12-14-18 tuna being caught in the 60-80lb range...

He couldn't sleep the whole night before and was impossibly optimistic about "sinking the boat with tuna."

I gave him a piece of advice that I find very useful in my redskins fanaticism too... "Temper your expectations my friend - Although we could do really well, odds are that we could do just average or even very poor."

In fishing or football, just like life, it is important to keep your expectations realistic and it is very healthy to keep from getting to high or too low about anything!

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I too became a Nemo believer Kevin. The special teams tackle was a man taking charge. You didn't mention his TD run. It looked like the blocking scheme was designed to set Nemo up on the outside, one on one with an unblocked LB, and then to let Nemo just run through him. Either that or someone missed a blocking assignment. Nemo didn't hesitate. He just dove over the guy when he went for his legs.

An interesting sidelight on that play (I love TIVO): After the TD # 52 (Raymer I believe) came over and him and Nemo hugged each other. I wondered why since the TD run was out around the right side so I replayed it. Raymer and the right guard had created a seam in the center of the carolina D which sucked most of the D into the hole. The play was never intended for that hole though because the lead blocker out of the two back set clearly headed to the right and buried the DE who was already being blocked. Nemo and Raymer seemed to be sharing a laugh about the deception.

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