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OT: Man convicted of...erm...


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I hope this isn't one of our board members from up North...:silly:


A man has been forced to flee his Canadian home after having sex with two dogs he dressed in women's underwear.

The man, who cannot be identified, has moved from British Columbia to Winnipeg where he's being watched by a police sex-crime unit.

Both dogs were found dead and wearing bra and panties. One was found in a garage, hanging from the rafters, the other in a ditch near the man's home.

DNA was used to convict the man, who is half-way through a three-year probation order for bestiality. He moved over fears for his safety from the public.

The Winnipeg Sun reports authorities in Winnipeg were alerted to the man's presence by a parole board.

An unnamed officer said: "He feared for his safety and got permission to move here and we're stuck with the sick *******."

Staff Sgt Boyd Campbell, of the sex-crimes unit, said his greatest concern is the possibility "this is an escalating offence. Hopefully we are wrong but there is enough concern."

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It's people like this that need to be locked up and have the key thrown away! He is already on probation for a similar offense??!?!? Why is he allowed to stay out of jail--how many more dogs have to be molested until this piece of crap gets jail time? This is on the same level as child molestation-a defenseless animal is what he preys on, the sick basturd! As a dog owner, I would not hesitate to put this scum into an early grave, THE SICK FVCK!!!!!:asta: :doh:

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Originally posted by RiggoRanger

This is on the same level as child molestation- . . .

Let's not get carried away. Children are far more important than dogs.
Originally posted by RiggoRanger

This is on the same level as child molestation-a defenseless animal is what he preys on, the sick basturd! . . . THE SICK FVCK!!!!!:asta: :doh:

This I can agree with.
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So BC is like Texas where men are men and sheep are scared but in this case theres a reason for dogs to keep their tails between their legs.

Lets not keep comparing animals to humans; I'm still tripping over the fact that a guy gets more jail time for throwing a dog in traffic than the coouple for loosing their pits to kill a woman.

Only in california

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Were they female? Because otherwise wouldnt that make him err gay?

How old were they?

Because if they are less than 3 yrs old in people years isnt that on the lines of pedophillia? :puke:

I say move him to Korea, then again they'd look down on him playing with his food. :rolleyes:

How difficult is it to purchase a Betty blowup doll in Canada or a pocket companion?:doh:

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